Original Post by AuradioHiro on Minecraft subreddit.

And I am voting for crab.

  • UltraBlack@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My opinion: All are shit

    1. Crab: People are looking forward to not struggling anymore with the block reach, but jokes on them, if you increase the reach by one block, you’ll run into the same issue, just as quickly. Only because you can build one block farther doesn’t mean that you don’t have to jump to place a block
    2. Armadillo: Nobody uses dogs. They are useless, slow, weak and horse armor is more useful. They serve as furniture, unlike cats which can be used in farms.
    3. Penguins: Ice biomes are too rare. Also literally just another dolphin. If I see ice and want to go fast, I put my boat on the ice, not in the water.

    Actually degenerate mob selection. How are these useful? Rather make the bats useful