How do you manage GPG / PGP Keys on android and Linux, and why?

    2 years ago

    That’s an interesting dilemma when you bring up Android. I have always considered android device as a hardware compromised device and that it shouldn’t be used for highly confidential data to an extent that you might be using PGP/GPG for.

    But you could have all of your PGP/GPG centrally managed on a Linux system with android device having it’s own unique keypair that is signed by your root PGP/GPG keypair on your Linux system. As for software for managing GPG/PGP on Linux system, I just simply use KGPG which does the job plenty well. If you have to use PGP/GPG on Android Phone, then I recommend sticking with f-droid repository for PGP/GPG key management app, not Google Play Store.

    OpenKeychain Source Code

    OpenKeychain Package on F-droid

    Few use-cases for GPG/PGP on android is encrypting email or chat, but application integration is limited to select few software like K-9 Mail or Conversations.

    –Edited to add–

    Why the heck did server spam duplicates of my comments? :(