After years of reddit/twitter/facebook propping up fascism/bigotry with algorithms & bots I’m honestly surprised and relieved to be in an online space that clearly rejects their ideology.

They can have reddit/facebook/twitter. AFAIC the only way to reach some of these people is to leave them alone long enough to realize on their own. admins are doing an amazing job dealing with everything. Their recent decision to defederate from exploding heads (or whatever its called) really goes to show that they’re in it for the right reasons.

    2 years ago

    I have seen more people with different ideologies beliefs and opinions have actual discussions and civil debates here since I joined then I have anywhere in a long time. I feel safe to comment and share my opinions because even if someone were to disagree and share a different opinion, I know I am not going to get a barrage of mean and hateful replies and messages.

    Prior to 2015, I had friends from many walks of life. Sometimes we’d have some heated discussions, but no one was yelling, being racist, spewing hate etc.

    Since 2016, most of my conservative friends actively eliminated everybody who did not think like them. It was mind-boggling how many people I knew asked who I voted for and if it wasn’t for Trump they let me know I was no longer welcome to be their friend. I didn’t even vote for Hillary and yet it was extremely difficult to even convince them of that. They forgot that there were other people running in the race apparently.

    I think if you stick around long enough you will see many viewpoints and discussions here.