As admins, we removed the scat communities, thinking that scat was covered by the NSFL. However, some people have opposing views on this matter. What do you think about it? If people want it allowed, then we can restore content.

Edit: My answer for friends in the comments; The main reason NSFL was banned is because we currently don’t have the tools to separate porn from NSFL. I’m in favor of the ban because I think its the same way in scat. If we had enough tools right now, we wouldn’t be ban the NSFL either. Although, I agree that voting for niche fetishes doesn’t make sense.

Edit 2: Also I don’t want to think about shit anymore. I’m out 😀

    2 years ago

    Couple of questions and I mean this out of ignorance, not hate…

    1. Yiff is like being/dreaming of furries right?

    2. That seems legal but “really weird” so what kind of stuff are you banning?

    3. I’m learning programming so don’t expect anything great or even good out of me, but what kind of moderation tools are you looking for? Specific features you want?