Finland’s new economic affairs minister and member of the nationalist Finns Party, Vilhelm Junnila, survived a confidence vote in parliament on Wednesday.

MPs votes on the measure fell 95-86 with three abstentions and 15 absences.

The confidence vote was called by three opposition parties, the Left Alliance, Green and Social Democratic parties, due to Junnila’s previous controversial statements and links to far-right groups.

Seven Swedish People’s Party MPs voted against Junnila, with the other three abstaining. Three National Coalition MPs were absent for the vote, but the other government party MPs voted their confidence in the controversial politician.

Junnila has joked about his election number (88) referencing ‘Heil Hitler’, campaigned at an election under the “gas” slogan and spoken at at least one event organised by a far-right group.

The recently-appointed minister apologised last week for his comments and actions, following two days of media controversy about the matter.

MPs also voted on the government programme, with 106 voting to support it, 78 voting against, and one abstention. 15 legislators were away for that vote.

        31 year ago

        I just don’t understand how they can’t see that the people that benefit the most from the system are the people making it awful and trying to keep them from targeting them.

        I mean even when I was young and conservative (because I had no fucking clue about anything) I always knew it was the ultra rich that were the issue.

        • sacredbirdman
          21 year ago

          Ultra rich are the problem AND they usually support nazis at least indirectly… because it’s just too convenient to have the poor blame other poor for the enshittification of the society.

            11 year ago

            A lot of the time they directly support them.

            George Bush Sr.s dad literally did business with the nazis. The rich in the 30’s attempted a fascist coup in the United States that only failed because a man named Smedley Butler that they tried to hire to help them do it ratted them out to congress.

    • animist
      131 year ago

      Weak people need a strongman, they love boot leather

    • skogens_ro
      31 year ago

      Same appeal as other forms of extremism. You get a set of enemies to blame for everything wrong with the world. You can hate them and feel justified for it. You get simple solutions to complicated problems. You’re in the know, while ordinary people are being manipulated by some evil elite.

        11 year ago

        I do t like lumping all extremism into the same boats, because they’re drastically different. Nazi extremism is not the same as Bolshevik extremism, taliban extremists are not the same as anarchist extremists, and there are situations where the label “extremism” is applied to oppressed people trying to change things or face annihilation with the only means left open to them, and then there’s racist pricks who just don’t like black people and non Christian’s. There’s rich people who don’t want the poor to have any sort of quality of life, and there are poor people who just want to feed their families. It’s fucked.

      11 year ago

      Recently it turned out this fella has lied about his education and work past. Turned out instead of masters on goverment studies, he signed up on open university but never finnished a single course.

  • OonTaaKissa
    141 year ago

    The center-right Swedish People’s Party, which is part of the government coalition, voted against him. The fact that the parties are already disagreeing and infighting doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence for the next 4 years of government :D

    61 year ago

    If he was elected, and wasn’t doing a bad job (at economy stuff), what reason was there to call a vote of confidence?

    If anything this ironically sheds an undemocratic light in the leftist parties…

    • @boredtortoise@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Legally our ministers are required to be “known for their integrity and ability to serve” and be truthful. Those aren’t possible with ties to undemocratic organizations

      Also do note that the called confidence vote was larger than our leftists

        01 year ago

        undefined> Also do note that the called confidence vote was larger than our leftists

        Is the article not detailed enough, or are you telling me that Greens and Sodial Democrats are not generally on the left?

        • @boredtortoise@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          The two you mentioned are in somewhat of a grey area. Mostly centrist policies when they get a chance to govern. Even dipping their toes to pure right-wing to limit nurse’s worker’s rights with their previous term.

          In any case it’s not quite approved to publicly state to be against capitalism at our government level but the Left Alliance is currently the only one with leftist suggestions.

    • Slartibartfast
      81 year ago

      I get what you’re saying, but at the same time, we can’t start fucking around with nazis and letting them creep in. We just can’t.

      Remember, the nazis taking power in Germany in the 40s was done democratically, and everything they did after that was “legal.”

      I’m not anti-democratic, but just because something’s done democratically or legally doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right.

        51 year ago

        It’s a very common misconception that the Nazis democratically came to power in Weimar Germany. Besides the regular everyday street violence they conducted with their brownshirts, president Hindenburg had been ignoring the parliament and setting up his own government via presidential decree for some time. Prussia (a social-democrat stronghold) had been illegally overtaken in a coup by the then chancellor Franz von Papen.

        The only reason Hitler became chancellor is because of the internal squabbles the conservatives around Hindenburg had, and the compromise they agreed upon was to give (again via presidential decree, the parliament was absolutely irrelevant) Hitler the chancellorship and the police, since they thought that he was an inexperienced fool they could easily handle.

        With the police in his hands, the SA could start killing, looting and burning places belonging to their political opponents without any worries. After the Reichstag fire, the socialists (2nd biggest party) and the communists (3rd biggest party) were were being murdered and arrested in such quantities, they had to open up concentration camps just to have a place where to put them. The election campaign of 1933 was a symphony of Nazi violence, and they still didn’t have a majority in the Reichstag. It took a lot of threats, violence, backroom deals and the support of Hindenburg for the Nazis to get the enabling act through the Reichstag, after which they were essentially the law.

        The Nazi seizure of power was everything except democratic. The courts, people and most parties were against democracy to begin with, but by the time the Nazis had any real “legal” power, the voice of the people was absolutely irrelevant since the president could and did rule by decree, bypassing the Reichstag, and even outright illegal actions such as the coup in Prussia was just brushed over by the courts stacked with conservative judges who’ve been there since Bismarck.

      71 year ago

      He hasn’t had time to do anything, he’s barely had time to move into his new office. The new government was formed just last week.

    • Bantha
      31 year ago

      ??? Do you think the average voter cares that much? That the average voter looks at a track record of any politician? Ever heard of propaganda? The thing Nazis are the best at…

      21 year ago

      A minister of economics might have a hard time making any trade deals with countries like Germany. And considering the role of migration policies he may be part of in the future, it really doesn’t give a good impression. Then again the True-Finns are in power so I guess impressions don’t really matter in this case