That’s one of the deepest fears of employers or the upper class in general: All people realizing how the system works and playing accordingly. Such many people are off worse just because they don’t have the mental capacity left to inform themselves when they are caught up in their shitty lives.
California, and its bodies that make laws and policies, are part of the same system, and are far from invulnerable to coopting by elite interests.
Schools educating children is at best a complement for workers educating one another.
stop, I’m not used to good news!
I wish red states would do this, California is already far ahead of the curve compared to most of the country. Where I live most people don’t know jack shit and just spread their cheeks to get fucked every day with a smile on their face and nothing in their bank accounts.
Red states would never do something that helps people.
I’m impressed. Could this be a step towards school becoming more practical? Don’t get me wrong; things like literature and the sciences will always be important. Still, I think we could find some more room to educate kids on daily concerns like this.
I think it’s idiotic that shop and home ec don’t really exist anymore. Make them mandatory so everyone knows how to do basic things around the house, budget, and cook a basic meal. It’s ridiculous that we don’t cover the basics of survival.
Absolutely. For a teenage boy like myself, learning that I could use a stove (without starting a fire) and cook an omelette (that was actually edible) was pretty revolutionary!
You’d be surprised how easy it actually is to make bread too
Uh. This will hurt a lot of businesses that should not exist in the first place…
Good 😇
What if, and stay with me here, we included classes on how to exist when you get out of highschool in general (this change included)?
We had those when I was in highschool 20 years ago. We learned to cook, sow, saw, drill, we learned electricity theory, magnetic force and economics. We learned sex and health, and we learned what it means to choose for yourself what is right and what is wrong, as in the basics we needed to make an informed choice on our own morality.
Apparently those aren’t things kids learn even in my country anymore.
Yet another topic people will claim they never learned in school that was actually taught in school. This is great don’t get me wrong, I just know some kids will ignore this week and then complain in the future .
Edit: I know the problem is the system, but I’m taking into account the individual element. I do believe things like this should be implemented but don’t be surprised when people grow up and complain they were never taught this. Our current education system is actively getting worse and stuff like this needs to be addressed nationwide.
Editwo: Maybe I just have a bad take. I’m against changing what I originally said so I’ll say it here. I’m just frustrated at the world also it may be my autism. I have to remember if you have to explain something that means your point didn’t get across which means rethink what you said.
I never once claim I never learned how the US government worked, or algebra, or how to properly cite a paper. I do claim I was never taught how a mortgage works, how to file taxes, or modern political history.
I don’t know what you’re seeing, but I never see people complaining about not learning things that were actually taught. They complaina bout not being taught things they ended up needing. This sounds like whining about “kids these days”.
I see, thanks for explaining that, I do agree that out education system does need an overhaul. I remember learning about interest both compound and simple and the type of bank accounts but that was only 1 day. Stuff like this shouldn’t be taught in just math class though. There should be a life skills class and not just a lesson. Home ec doesn’t cut it.
I was taught about interest for loans and taxes, but only because I took a completely optional higher level economics class. Probably 95% of the students in my school never took anything like that.
First of all love the name. If I recall my school taught us about the multiple type of banks, part of the reason I’ve only ever had credit union accounts, and a algebra class covering interest. I have to remember that I had to do work outside of class to figure stuff out. I’ve also been removed from basic education for 15 years.
It’s crazy how US history basically stops getting taught right after WW2. At least that’s my experience.
It’s not actually crazy at all. Teaching modern politics is a recipe for politicians turning the school system into a propaganda machine, which is hard enough to prevent as is.
Many many districts do teach you how a mortgage works and how taxes work.
If you learned algebra you learned how to do your taxes and how a mortgage works 2a. Literally pages of problems in these classes cover these topics specifically. 2b. Taxes is almost all just filling out a worksheet - something which schools demonstrate literally every day.
Explicitly learning these things school is not generally a good use of time because:
- Students won’t find them any more relevant than other content.
- Learning requires constant reinforcement over years. Learning something once that you won’t need for several years to up to a decade later is a recipe for a waste of time - people will just forget by the time it is relevant. If you took a high school biology test a decade after you graduated you are going to fail it. These should be taught immediately before use and not a second sooner for this reason.
- These are beaucratically defined, and are not based in objective fact. This is important because the government can change either of these processes literally tomorrow and everything you learned and everything the school system invested in would be almost entirely worthless.
- Teaching modern politics is a recipe for extreme use of the school system for propaganda vs skill and knowledge development.
Complains the person who didn’t even bother looking up how wrong they are, to be able to ignore it…
Perhaps you should consider how our school systems, and societies, are structured (not only to produce worker drones, but to do so in a classist, racist, sexist and ableist ways to ensure some people are always “left behind” to serve as an “example” for those who “don’t work hard enough”), before you so gleefully repeat its propaganda and blame the kids the system fails instead of the system itself.
What? I’m speaking from personal experience. I’m not blaming the kids I just know hearing fellow adults speak on this about “things we never learned in school,”. I’m making the point that this is a positive but I know people are going to not retain this information. 1/3 of this country vehemently supports a traitor. What propaganda though?
As far as I can tell my high school was basically college level compared to the stories I hear from other people. I went to a public school in a university town, and a lot of teachers were former or future university teachers, so maybe I just got lucky.
We did cover the reason for unions back in the 90s, as it was in the history book and not just something the teacher included.
We need to do this nationwide
Omg… Please yes 🙏. I have been working to educate my stepdaughter on her rights as an employee as she is approaching working age. She is a typical teen and doesn’t seem to listen much, but then I hear her respond to a conversation about a boss that is doing something illegal and she actually will ask “Isn’t that illegal?” I beam with pride everytime. I just want her to at least have a nose for when something doesn’t smell right so she can call me or talk to me about it when she is older.
Civics class in High School should also include a very detailed several units on your rights under the law in general, how to stand up for your rights, and how to invoke them when you are faced with governmental actors.