The price drop is because of market manipulation and the current price doesn’t represent fundamentals. We all know GME is worth more.

But the price has been gradually decreasing ever since the January 2021 sneeze and this thread over at SS suggests the line reaches 0 around 1/1/2024.

I don’t think it will actually hit 0 but I know I’m going to be buying more in November and December.

Point is don’t let this rattle you. I bought my first share at $448.30 so why wouldn’t I buy more at $1?

The finish line isn’t out of reach any more. We’re going to lock the float, and we’re going to do it fast. Buckle your seatbelts.

    1 year ago

    None of them justify your assertions. Picking nits about how many companies got roped into this nonsense cannot change that it was nonsense. Nor was their inability to predict this flash mob any sort of threat to “the system” for any definition of “the system” that would be followed by “, man.”

    And for what?

    Not a single god-dang one of you has anything to say in your own favor.

    You, personally, have grasped for the relevance of famous dead people, which is cheap rhetoric with no place in a discussion about struggling video-game retailers. The other guy, the complete schmuck, feigned offense like I’d ignored an answer, immediately after smugly declaring they would not provide an answer.

    I’m not convinced anyone replying to me even knows what an argument would look like. You’ve managed tiny corrections that don’t make things better. You’ve got the format of an emotional appeal. But when pressed on why this stock isn’t a waste of money: nothing. Or worse than nothing, lies; as if OP’s ‘lol it’s fucked’ headline isn’t followed by OP’s ‘but I’m still in because mooooon!’ body text. And when pressed on how that hot mess isn’t cult-like devotion in the face of all evidence, that’s when the emotional appeals come out. That is the wrong time for emotional appeals. Using emotional appeals in place of rational argument, is the exact opposite of what you should do, when someone says you’re using emotional appeals in place of rational argument.