Also, Aeon Flux was not a great movie. Complete waste of Charlize Theron’s talents
Hey, I liked it :(
What did you enjoy about it? I just found myself not really caring about any of the characters or the world they lived in. It was almost a complete disconnect for me.
I’ma be real… I don’t remember. I just remember really liking it and having a great time. I did watch it 2 or 3 times but that was a long time ago and my memory might as well be made out of knock-off silly putty.
Then again my tastes in movie and TV piss most people off so I don’t think even my explanation would make sense. There is one particular movie that most people fucking hate with a burning passion. Like to the point that I’ve actually lost ‘friends’ over liking the movie because they were ravenous about their dislike of the movie. Not just a “I don’t like it and I think it’s really bad/sucks” but a “It’s fucking awful and I hope the executives get killed” kinda insanity. What’s psychotic is that that level of hatred is like the internet normal for that movie.
I might have to rewatch the movie and let you know what I think of it now.
Some of the disdain people may have is that the original series had a more morbidly comedic tone, while the movie was more catwoman-esque toned.
It’s cool, dog. I respect you for liking imperfect things. I always say I’d make a horrible critic of food or film. I tend to like everything.
I really feel you there buddy.
What movie??
The Last Jedi.
I was going to guess 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain.
Haven’t even heard of it but now I must look into it
I did too.
Well your opinion is wrong and you should feel very very bad.
And a waste of a great IP.
Those hand feet 🤮
Congratulations I just cancelled my subscription to the internet.
I much preferred the original series. Like, the original original series; not the stand alone cartoon, but the little skits that first appeared on Cartoon Sushi.
Oddly, Ultraviolet felt more like an Aeon Flux movie than Aeon Flux did, IMO. If you liked the live action Aeon Flux, you will love Ultraviolet.
Aeon Flux and Ultraviolet came out around the same time from what I remember. Where I lived, dunno about elsewhere, they were advertised almost as competitors. I saw so many trailers I thought they were the same movie for a while. However I have seen it and I do love it.
Still prefer Aeon Flux. Dunno why. I honestly thing it just might be that Aeon Flux was more ‘gay iconic’ than Ultraviolet was. Jovovich was kicking ass and taking names in that but she was raw and powerful and violent. Aeon Flux had some camp to it. The ridiculous outfit, the nonsensical flips, the weird cut aways… It’s kinda like how Catwoman was one of the most hated movies in the world yet holds a weird place of esteem in big parts of the gay community. Just a “you go girl, you slay!” thing. I have no idea. I’m a mess.
I love this comment lol you sound fun.
I’ve been called a lot of things. Fun is a new one to add to the pile lol
I honestly thing it just might be that Aeon Flux was more ‘gay iconic’ than Ultraviolet was.
I actually get what you mean here because all my lesbian friends and even some of my straight girl friends love Charlize Theron. So maybe it’s just her, lol
She does give off that “YOU GO GURL” energy.
The original appeared on Liquid Television in the very early 1990s.