Marvelous things are happening over at Reddit. Spez has locked himself in the company doomsday bunker and told everyone he’ll come out once his “real” work friends get there. To watch the brush strokes of the maestro as they shape the future of so many unpaid laborers.
Marvelous things are happening over at Reddit. Spez has locked himself in the company doomsday bunker and told everyone he’ll come out once his “real” work friends get there. To watch the brush strokes of the maestro as they shape the future of so many unpaid laborers.
You wouldn’t know them, they live in Canada.
And suck like a Hoover, if I recall correctly.
Steiner will attack from the north and unite with the Ninth army. Wenck will support them with the Twelfth Army.
They will repel the mods with a relentless and almighty assault.