For like a month or two I decided, screw it, I am going to use all the programs I cannot use on Linux. This was mostly games and music making software.

I guess it was fun for a bit, tries different DAWs, did not play a single game because no time.

Basically, it was not worth it. The only thing I enjoyed was OneDrive, because having your files available anywhere is dope, but I also hate it because it wants to delete your local files. I think that was on me.

Anyways, I am back. Looking at Nextcloud. Looking at Ardour. I am fine paying for software, but morally I got to support and learn the tools that are available to me and respect FOSS. (Also less expensive… spent a lot on my experiment).

Anyone done this? Abondoned their principles thinking the grass would be greener, but only to look at their feet coverered in crap (ads, intrusive news, just bad UI).

I don’t know. I don’t necesarily regret it, but I won’t be doing it again. What I spent is a sunk cost, but some has linux support, and VSTs for download. So, I shall see.

    1 year ago

    I don’t know your situation. I’m not an graphsit.

    But what I’ve discovered,
    There is nothing better to apply an self strict boycott, to learn other tools like gimp or others.

    In the gaming, the boycott work as a filter though, which game I can or I can’t.
    And that’s fine, and more the time is going on, and more its better and I don’t feel my boycott hurting me so much. I’ve discovered (by my self, I knew it) apex legends last year to tell you XD

      1 year ago

      to learn other tools like gimp or others.

      If you’re doing anything professionally (even freelancing) that’s not often an option. No matter how good you are with gimp if client demands that you deliver PSDs to them. Even if you could model the next Titanic at the most beautiful way on freecad it’s worth nothing if client demands solidworks files. And so on.

      Self imposed boycott is of course fine if it works for you. I’ve been using Linux since RedHat 5.2 as a daily driver, but since I make a living with computers as well I need to have Windows around for this and that. More often than not it’s of course paid by the company, but I’ve been doing freelance stuff as well and there I need to pay for my tools.

        1 year ago

        I swear whenever I mention I need my Adobe programs everyone is so quick to offer alternatives but NOTHING will be an alternative to a .psd/.ai file made in Photoshop or Illustrator. I need to make vectors in Illustrator, texture then in Photoshop, send the layers to After Effects, make some more vectors in Illustrator, use the same psd in InDesign… I can go without the cloud or streamlined UI but I really need that interoperability layer to function. Any time spent fiddling is costing me money as a bottom line.

        And as someone who’s been spending hours learning FreeCAD, you’re really hitting me where I’m sensitive 😅

          1 year ago

          Let’s be clear, it’s not that you need to use Adobe products, it’s not that nothing will be an alternative to them, it’s that current FOSS alternatives just aren’t feature compatible, no matter how much the lay person likes to pretend they are. That’s fair, and that’s why I dual boot windows; some proprietary products are just better, and in a competitive industry, you can’t afford to use subpar tools.

          But there’s no reason the FOSS version can’t be as good or better, it’s just a matter of funding and vision, which are both hard to come by in a non-profit world. I hope that one day we will see a cohesive suite of tools that can replace Adobe products, but I fully acknowledge that gimp 2, krita, inkscape, and blender ain’t it.

            1 year ago

            Eh, partially agreed but Adobe does have a stranglehold on the market due to proprietary encoding. The world still runs on their licensed filetypes and that’s a big hurdle for FOSS to overcome. A paradigm shift could happen but a lot is stacked up against it for now. Certainly not an issue that’s unable to be solved but we need some seriously clever minds dedicated to the problem.

        1 year ago

        Yeah clearly, that’s why I did start by saying I don’t know the situation of OP.

        I’m speaking as an user/gamer, who do things just for myself mainly ^^

        I don’t have the same consideration and focus as an freelancer like you. Clearly.

        1 year ago

        A lot of documentation suppose, you like to know what you doing and why.

        But if u do an tldr, and focus on the command lines, its often working out of the box and its like following an tutorial with picture to tell you where to click. Supposing you reading the good tuto regarding your distribution.

        I like the doc, I feel it like respect.

        I feel it like, they don’t suppose I’m an engineer but they suppose I have an brain an can learn new principles or acquire new vocabulary (one of the life’s constant in a way) to understand what I do. And often theses principles can be applied elsewhere, even IRL sometimes.

        I’m not an engineer XD.

            1 year ago

            I think they’re trying to say that a lot of the time reading the documentation treats you as if you’re an expert in that particular topic, but if you can find a good guide it will usually give you all the information and commands you need to accomplish what you wanted to do. They go on to say they prefer guides that respect the user’s intelligence while not making things overly complex.

                1 year ago

                It doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t intelligent but perhaps you’re trying to do things you would do in Windows without having a foundational knowledge of Linux. Linux is not a drop-in replacement for Windows, it’s a totally different operating system with different ways of doing things.

                In this example situation you are talking about it’s the equivalent of if I asked you to edit an image in Photoshop but you didn’t have it installed. That’s what “command not found” is trying to tell you. It’s not found because it’s not installed on the system.

                    1 year ago

                    Of course you need a foundational knowledge of Windows before you are able to accomplish certain tasks. You are not born with the knowledge of how to operate a computer. Even people who have not used computers before struggle with basic tasks. If I ask someone who is new to Windows to install Photoshop will they be able to accomplish it with no prior knowledge? You have to know you open the web browser, navigation to the proper website, download the installer, run the installer, find the menu shortcut, etc.

                    As for how to install programs on Linux it does depend on the distribution and the application you wish to install but let’s take Ubuntu for example. If I want to install VLC I would type sudo apt install vlc. If I want to install Firefox I would type sudo apt install firefox. Instructions should be available online with a quick search.