Do you use any web ui’s for your Linux server? I’m comfortable managing my server using the command line, but I also want a graphical interface that shows an overview of what is running on the server, the way the resources are being used what containers are running and so on. Also file download uploads would be great to have.
What do you recommend which is light and resources and is suitable for less powerful servers with low ram?
So far these are the more interstating tools I’ve found: (they vary in functionality their provide)
CasaOS Cockpit SartOS Orb Kasm
Ummm Webmin? Can’t believe it hasn’t been mentioned…
If you don’t mind the UI out of the 90s webmin probably is the most comprehensive solution. I haven’t used it in a few years, does it handle containers?
Yes! And the interface can be customized. You can even design and use your own… Basically, it can be tweaked to your hearts content.
Webmin is great. Especially when you would like shit to just work and not faf about wasting your weekend text editing configuration files
Exactly. I’ve been using it for 6 years or so. I’ve tried every other supposed alternative and nothing has even close to the functionality of it…
I also really love webmin!