Good luck with the App Store submission. Hopefully you’re not stuck in “Awaiting review” limbo for too long.

  • @gkd@lemmy.mlM
    71 year ago

    Hopefully it will be a smooth process. The initial submission is always the most tedious but I made sure to include a ton of information with the submission to hopefully alleviate any requests by them that would result in delays.


      11 year ago

      Have you guys got any updates from them? I had it on TestFlight but for some reason I removed it and now the current one is sadly full

    11 year ago

    I think what Reddit fails to realise is that there’s a large contingent of their base that aren’t Reddit users… they’re Apollo/RIF/Boost/etc. users. They’re a population seeking a very specific type of UX which Reddit either can’t or won’t deliver. People didn’t willingly use their trash can fire of a site when Alien Blue was termed - they migrated to Apollo.

    I’m WILDLY impressed with Memmy so far, partially because it’s answering the user pain point above - as a casual user, I don’t want to get into the Fediverse weeds. I want an incredible streamlined experience that’s reliable, fast, and with a responsive developer.

    Can’t wait for Memmy to blow up and to use it heavily over many years.