I made a post around a week ago that really took off, and figured we are probably going to see a small spike in activity due to the reddit migration, so I thought we could give it another go!
There are always tons of posts about what beans you are brewing, but my question is HOW are you brewing those beans this week? Sticking to the tried and true v60? Pick up a new Orea and still figuring out the best recipe for it? Pulling some particularly sweet shots on your latest beans haul? Let us know below! What’s your brew method of the day/week?
So as a foreigner who has lived in Japan for 15 years, what is Japanese iced coffee, specifically? Really weak instant coffee with coffee cubes mixed in? I’m not trying to be rude I honestly don’t know
I’m using James Hoffman’s recipe as found here. I can’t say that weak instant coffee with coffee cubes sounds particularly enjoyable!
@nikmis But Japan so polite, so clean! Iced Coffee is water and americano type coffee, sometimes espress mixed with water. If you want the good stuff go for the latte one liter cartons with sugar and milk in em. That’s what Richard Sensei drinks (apparently).
@swancheez @TheMightyBlu
it’s hot-brewed strong directly over ice