I’m pretty sure this is wrong. From what I understand, automix just blends together the ending and beginning of the two songs. For example if there’s silence at the end of one song, or ‘compatible’ music, the ‘ai’ will try to smooth out the transition like a dj would while making a mix.
Well it’s some setting. I recently made the switch and now I’m hearing random songs I haven’t heard in years. It’s actually sampling my whole collection as far as I can tell.
I’m pretty sure this is wrong. From what I understand, automix just blends together the ending and beginning of the two songs. For example if there’s silence at the end of one song, or ‘compatible’ music, the ‘ai’ will try to smooth out the transition like a dj would while making a mix.
Edit: yup, that’s what it is https://support.spotify.com/ca-en/article/tracks-transitions/
Turn off* cross play.
That will give more randomness, but I still get a bunch of songs on repeat in a 3K song playlist. Annoying.
Well it’s some setting. I recently made the switch and now I’m hearing random songs I haven’t heard in years. It’s actually sampling my whole collection as far as I can tell.
Often completely botching existing transitions on, say, two consecutive songs on an album that already flow into one another.
I followed this life hack article and it worked for me: https://lifehacker.com/the-reason-spotify-shuffles-aren-t-really-random-and-h-1849756947