For me, I am a paying member of the Scottish Pagan Federation which is affiliated with the Pagan Federation in the UK. I receive quarterly magazines in the form of Pagan Dawn and Espin and get lots of interesting articles, ideas and such.

Wondered if there were more around the world?

  • GreyShuck
    311 months ago

    I used to be a Pagan Fed member back in the '90s - and was a visiting prison chaplain for them for a few years as it happens. I am also a member of the Fellowship of Isis but only small local groups otherwise.

    311 months ago

    Only the Fellowship of Isis. I’ve tried to join Pagan Federation Ireland but I can’t get any kind of response from them!

  • @Kindymycin
    211 months ago

    Nothing currently. Been kicking around trying out OBOD or one of the other druid organizations in the USA. Options severely limited here in the rural southern United States, aka “The Bible Belt.” Unfortunately I feel like I have to stay fairly closeted to avoid persecution.