Twitter’s dying, Reddit’s changing, everything else is entertainment – and there’s nowhere left to hang out.

    471 year ago

    Lemmy and kbin, find a community and stick with it or join a bunch. If you really don’t want to use discord for a hangout then there’s revolt and guilded for voip clients. You can also try mastodon and matrix, or really a combo of things.

    • iLikeGoatsOP
      161 year ago

      I’m on discord but not for the sociability so much. However, there are some hyper specific subjects that get served up there. Personally, I find it very chaotic.

      • macrocephalic
        211 year ago

        Discord is pretty similar to IRC 25 years ago: just a constant stream of conversations and you’re SOOL if you miss anything.

        • JonEFive
          71 year ago

          IRC… Now that’s a protocol I’ve not thought about in a long time

        • whofearsthenight
          41 year ago

          Discord seems to be sort of adapting to that? In the /r/iosbeta discord, they have topics that sort of act like reddit posts. But yeah, so far, I’m just all over the place. A couple of lemmy instances, Kbin primarily, and a lot of mastodon, with discord filling in when I’m bored. Although discord is very bad as a replacement for reddit/twitter, the nostalgia and it feeling very IRC is kinda nice.

          • originalucifer
            21 year ago

            i think discord started as an irc extension, which is why it still has a ton of hooks for it

        • NotTheOnlyGamer
          11 year ago

          The one thing Discord has over IRC is logging. If someone could develop an IRCv# with constant channel logging and a history like Discord, I would be there immediately.

          • Back in the day my mirc client logged as long as I was online. Had logs for certain channels that went back 7 years at one point, but sadly lost those logs in a HDD meltdown.

            • macrocephalic
              11 year ago

              I think I still have irc logs somewhere. I can probably safely delete them now.

            • NotTheOnlyGamer
              11 year ago

              I had 28.8 dialup when people in my neighborhood had DSL, because my folks were cheap and old-fashioned. They were still accustomed to 1200/2400 baud, why should we waste the money on 56K? We finally upgraded when I got a Hayes 56.6K from Dennis Hayes at a show, and I insisted on installing the thing myself. So I wasn’t able to stay online and keep logs.

    • CountChonkula
      141 year ago

      There’s a learning curve with using federated platforms wether it’s Lemmy, kbin or Mastodon. Things will definitely improve as these platforms get more fleshed out but as is, it’ll probably come off confusing to a casual user.

      To give Reddit and Twitter credit, they made it convenient to join communities as you just need a single account to interact with hundreds of thousands of communities and millions of people. It’s convenient as a user that you only need one account as opposed to 30.

      If anything, we might end up reverting back to using smaller forums until the fediverse has time to catch up. I think it’s unsustainable as a business model and we’re seeing this with the self-destruction of both Reddit and Twitter where they’re leaning too far to try and make a profit where it’s affecting user choice and experience. Most people that ran web forums back in the day didn’t do it for the money but instead they wanted to foster a community. Yes going back to that might cause the internet to get a bit more fragmented, but I think it’ll work out for the best as both forums and the fediverse puts users first.

  • HidingCat
    91 year ago

    This writer has some of the worst takes, I wouldn’t trust him. He’s probably my least-liked Verge writer.

    • Sinnerman
      71 year ago

      I mean, he’s anti- Twitter and Reddit, and pro- Kbin and Lemmy so his take isn’t that bad…

      I think he underestimates the readiness of Kbin and Lemmy, though. Sure, they’re rough around the edges, they’re not full-featured reddit clones, but we can (mostly!) talk to one another and there’s a lot of excitement about being on the frontier, instead of just another pre-packaged marketing-focused software appliance. We’re doing OK, and we’ll only get better!

      • Kaldo
        1 year ago

        Even techies have issues deploying, maintaining and upgrading kbin and lemmy instances and even for those that work, the admins say they are held together by wishes, prayers and digital duct tape. From just the casual user’s perspective, the software is buggy, not intuitive, a lot of data gets lost in transit between instances and there’s a lot of downtime due to influx of new users (which is still a miniscule amount compared to what other social networks usually handle).

        I don’t think he’s that far off when it comes to readiness. I want this to succeed but it’s not ready yet for the mainstream, maybe in another 6-12 months.

      • HidingCat
        61 year ago

        The idea that we need an all-encompassing social media platform.

    • Madison_rogue
      41 year ago

      I’ve been watching the Vergecast podcast lately, and David’s take on a lot of this stuff is kind of wishy washy. I definitely think Alex Cranz and Nilay Patel have a better pulse on things.

      • HidingCat
        21 year ago

        Yea, really do think Nilay’s the one that keeps The Verge ticking. As long as he’s the head editor, the site will do well.

    71 year ago

    Twitter isn’t dying. The users and content is still there. The people going to Mastodon are the niche group of techies. Mastodon isn’t for your casual or average twitter user.

    I think news and ads ruined social media today. I do miss the days of MySpace and people used to log on , hangout and message each other. You used to to connect with your friends online. Today, social media isn’t really used like that anymore.

    • RheingoldRiver
      101 year ago

      oh my god the initialism for BlueSky is BS hahahahahaahahaahahahahaahaa

      they must have realized? why would they be ok with this???

      • MoogleMaestro
        41 year ago

        They were too busy being enamored by (wanking over) how it references blue sky research. When they were part of twitter, the name made some semblance of sense, but is particularly stupid now that they’re trying to make their own service.

    • iLikeGoatsOP
      91 year ago

      I don’t think he called bullshit as much as he thought it has potential but not ready yet. Lol! I love the fediverse. Let everyone else find the next best thing that will, once again, get ruined.

      • RheingoldRiver
        41 year ago

        haha what you are missing and what I’m laughing about one comment over is that BS is the initialism for BlueSky. The parent comment is saying, “Did the author actually call BlueSky part of the fediverse”

        this is fucking hilarious and I will never stop laughing about it

    • djquadratic
      01 year ago

      He’s right. It’s not ready for the masses/ those who aren’t technologically inclined. Afaik ddos protection pretty much breaks federation which is a problem in of itself.
      Seems to be a lot of work to be done still

    • OpenStars
      1 year ago

      I thought this was an IT Crowd reference, but no.

      So that got me jonesing for the actual IT Crowd reference, which is here if anyone like me is desperately thirsty (b/c advertising has no effect on us, ofc:-).

  • tj
    31 year ago

    Outside. We are supposed to go outside

    • macrocephalic
      11 year ago

      I don’t think those are strictly correct. There’s no way Brisbane has 250k subscribers. The population of the city is only about 2 million and the channel isn’t that active.

  • WasPentalive
    11 year ago

    Mastodon replaces Twitter. Lemmy/Kbin replaces Reddit. I am using FreeTube is a local app that gives you youtube but does not ask you to turn off add-block.