• @chowderOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah, they were flying everywhere so fast, it even went within inches of my head. I felt the wind from it. They have a nest in that tree, so far this is my best shot of them, unfortunately it doesn’t capture its colors very well.

      The backlit wings are my favorite part. Its the only reason I kept the photo.

  • KevinFRK
    21 year ago

    I’ve found Cornell Lab’s Merlin ID is good for ID’ing birds in the UK - perhaps where you are it would allow you to do better than “Bird” if that’s not just being ironic :)

    • @chowderOP
      21 year ago

      Its a hummingbird, more than likely a Annna’s hummingbird but I don’t know how to tell hummingbird apart from each other.