
  • BrooklynMan
    971 year ago

    nobody doubted that the worst of reddit would take over after we left

    • I demodded myself from shittyadvice before I destroyed my account, but prior to that I posted my idea for what SA should do. I’m convinced that sub exists to cordon off all the trolls so they don’t ruin the rest of Reddit but giving shitty advice elsewhere. My plan was just lock the sub but tell everybody in there to spread the love and Make Reddit Shitty Again, aka MRSA. We’d spread like an incurable disease.

      • @Thrashy@beehaw.org
        31 year ago

        I was going to make a comment about how I confused “SA” for Something Awful, but as I continued to read I saw it was still an apt analogy…

  • Brawler Yukon
    951 year ago

    feel free to shit post starting tomorrow

    It’s funny because they’re implying that the whole sub isn’t just shitposts to begin with.

    • @Shokwav@beehaw.org
      341 year ago

      What?!? You don’t think a link to a youtube channel with a Roman bust as their avatar screeching about “muh collapse of western society” is a valuable contribution?!?

      • pbjamm
        31 year ago

        The fascists ability to appropriate cool things makes be so sad and frustrated. I love history and Roman history in particular. They are so familiar as humans but at the same time alien in their views if society and the world. Makes it really fascinating.

        nazis poison everything they touch

    • Queue
      121 year ago

      They post shit, not shitposts. Conservatives add nothing to a conversation.

  • gordon
    931 year ago

    What if, and hear me out on this, you go and start posting a bunch of ai images of trump sucking Putin off. Just a thought.

    • @snoopfrog@beehaw.org
      241 year ago

      I realized that Lemmy being slightly more difficult to get started would mean that the user base will be smaller, but fewer low-effort people would make the switch, so it’s really a plus.

      • I disagree. Us more tech-savvy people will come across, sure. But most people aren’t. And they have hobbies and jobs too, and want a place to gather online for that.

          • Same, but I figure I can check in once in a while on the few subreddits that I’m interested in. Some of the subreddits also have a presens on discord, so that could also be an option.

          • pbjamm
            61 year ago

            Its not rocket surgery. It only seems complicated because it is new. Once you get past the sign up phase and figure out how to find Communities it is easy-peasy.

        • Ataraxia
          51 year ago

          And that’s fine. They will find their place. I’ll take a smaller community of tech savvy and people willing to learn over a large community of toxic argumentative people. If you’re not willing to learn something new it can be a reflection on how well you’ll get along with other people. I don’t care if someone is religious or what their political beliefs are but I am not interested in reading about how trans people need to be executed or how women should not have rights. I don’t care to open my notifications and see some psycho’s message saying I’m not doing my duty and God will punish me for not being interested in having kids. Many of these people go out of their way to verbally assault and threaten, triggered by something as simple as gay people exosting. It’s exhausting. So I do hope that Lemmy doesn’t become reddit. I hope it filters the best of what we had at reddit regardless of where they’re from and who they are, I enjoy discussions and conversation and points of view. I don’t want to argue with someone who believes mixed race couples should be illegal.

  • @acosmichippo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    so basically, “we mods are boycotting but we can’t act like we actually agree with the other protests.”

    typical conservative contrarian bullshit as always.

    • @Dalinar@lemmy.nz
      181 year ago

      It’s not a terrible strategy. Reddit can remove mods and reopen a subreddit but if you turn off automod, any extra moderation bots and let shit run wild then reddit has a problem.

      Weaponize the assholes that mods usually have to deal with by giving them full reign.

  • @mizmoose@beehaw.org
    591 year ago

    For a brief period of time I was on a place on Reddit where new users could get help finding their way around the site.

    Someone shows up there and says, “I’m not sure why I’m even on this libt++d communist site, nobody here will respect the way any good conservative American thinks.”

    I’m thinking, OK, snowflake, don’t melt so hard from being a victim, but I responded with, “You might try /r/Conservative, and I can ask their moderators if they have any other suggestions.”

    I did so: I sent the moderators of /r/Conservative a message explaining what I was looking for and asking for any advice they might have for this new user. The response I got back was, “LOL, F+++ off.”

    Lovely, lovely people there.

    (100% that good conservative American was on the libt++d communist site for the free porn.)

    • @1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Yeah I tried a few good faith attempts there. People would post asking why there was “no evidence of x” or why “this has never happened” or why “liberals are too afraid to answer y”. So I’d link a news article, or a summary of the argument they were asking about.

      I think I ended up getting 6 different accounts banned before I gave up.

      edit: Also kind of funny how often they’d brag about never banning anyone, while being one of the most ban-happy subs on the platform.

      • @JCPhoenix@beehaw.orgM
        291 year ago

        I had something similar happen to me in r/republican. Pre-Trump, it actually wasn’t a bad subreddit. You could have relatively civil discussions in there. I often used it to see and ask how Republicans/Conservatives thought about various things. I always tried to be respectful, understanding that that the wasn’t “my sub.” I flaired myself with a ‘D’ or something so it’d be obvious that I wasn’t hiding and trolling. Had some OK discussions in there the few times I’d dare to chime in.

        But it changed once Trump started running. I once was having a civil discussion with a user, trying to understand their take, and ended up linking to an article from a large, mainstream publication, to show what I was talking about.

        I was banned with no comment. When I politely asked mods what I did wrong and if I could be unbanned if I promised to not do whatever I did again, I got the message: “Don’t link liberal sources.” And it wasn’t a liberal source! Just something not from Fox or wherever. From then on, I could lurk, but I could never comment.

        And the mods got crazier. I’d see that they’d remove comments and ban anyone, even Republicans, who spoke out against Trump. At that point, there was no reason to go there anymore.

      • @acupofcoffee@beehaw.org
        201 year ago

        I got banned because I called healthcare, daycare, education, and paternity leave “pro-life” measures.

        Granted, I didn’t belong there, but I tried to regularly converse in good faith… which they never really deserved anyway.

      • @mizmoose@beehaw.org
        151 year ago

        Oh, yeah. The subs that claim they never ban are the ones with the biggest ban hammers.

        There used to be some really icky subreddit dedicated to… basically being a bunghole. “Public Health Watch”, I think. It was anti-LGBTQ+, anti-women, anti-just about everything. Everything was a threat to these poor little pseudo-incels (they couldn’t even be incels right). I forget how I stumbled on it, but one day one of them posted a link to a study that “proved” something about women and their sexuality and how it damaged men and I don’t remember clearly, but their conclusion was so stupid. So I read the damn study and it explicitly said the exact opposite of what they said. I replied with whole paragraphs from the study showing that the study said disagreed with what that post claimed. I was banned within minutes.

        On the one hand, I kinda get it: I regularly deal with pseudoscientists who cherry pick through studies to find one or two sentences that agrees with them, instead of what the study actually says, and claim I’m “interpreting” the study wrong. On the other hand, when you’re the cherry-picker, you don’t get to be angry when someone else reads the rest of the words and finds out you’re the dimwit.

    • reric88🧩
      251 year ago


      I’m all for freedom of speech, but I’m really irked by the lengths people go to just to be offensive.

        • I was banned for “promoting the party switch myth” when I pointed out that the Republican Party of the 1860s is not the same as the republican party of 2020.

          • Ataraxia
            81 year ago

            It’s like an alternative horrifying universe in that subreddit. It kept popping up in my feed and I eventually blocked it but not after letting it ruin my mood way too many times lol. Made me lose faith in humanity…

    • @GiantBasil@beehaw.org
      31 year ago

      Well, voat is gone (i think), but Saidit is Right there, mostly empty and waiting for them, hopefully they’ll go there and stay there. i actually saw people suggesting saidit to other people last week, so fingers crossed.

    • GrandmasterFrank
      161 year ago

      It’s more like, compulsive contrarianism.

      Oh yeah, everyone else is gonna STOP using reddit? Well we’re just gonna double down!

    • @darkmugglet@lemm.ee
      131 year ago

      Well, to be fair, Conservatives see an endgame to make Reddit conservative hell-hole and to re-appriate like Twitter. The opportunity for them to have the cover of legitimacy of an established brand while forcing their regressive politics. I have to give them credit – it’s a bold move and hopefully it won’t pay out

  • @strayce
    531 year ago

    I don’t understand the mentality behind this. Is it just a case of “They’re doing a thing so we’ll do the opposite”? What exactly is the goal here?

    • @CobraChicken@lemmy.ca
      191 year ago

      undefined> “They’re doing a thing so we’ll do the opposite”

      That’s their gameplan most of the time.

    • @JoKi@feddit.de
      141 year ago

      Opportunism - they just want to profit from the black out to push their own sub. As often, the conservative principles (or in this case rules) are not so important if you can gain any success by ignoring them.

    • AvrgJoe
      111 year ago

      I think they hope all the other opinions will go away and they’ll get their favorite thing, an echo chamber.

    • @LA71
      101 year ago

      I do, they’re fucking stupid

    • @djsaskdja@reddthat.com
      71 year ago

      I don’t hate it. I’m sure some truly vile shit will get posted. Might be enough to get them banned off the site lol.

      • @Uniquitous
        81 year ago

        Again? The real nutballs went off to form patriots.win, after they hilariously lost their preferred domain name in an act of negligence (and/or ignorance.) I could see them pulling the same trick again, forming up a Lemmy node that no one else would federate with a 10’ pole.

    • Jacob Alexander Tice
      11 year ago

      I see you’re not familiar with American conservatives. This is how they operate. They’re just not always so open.

  • @max39797@feddit.de
    521 year ago

    Well, you don’t need third party apps with good moderation tools if you just don’t moderate anything. /s

    • TechyDad
      261 year ago

      R/Conservative does moderate. They ban anyone who even whispers anything slightly against their political views. Even if it’s quoting Trump himself.

      • @ZappySnap@sh.itjust.works
        61 year ago

        I tried to get banned by commenting about someone being brainwashed in the thread about Trump’s indictment. The post I replied to was basically “If trump is convicted I’ll officially consider myself living in a dictatorship”.

        I unfortunately didn’t get banned from the subreddit, just a warning for ‘harassment.’

  • @Mainframed767@lemmy.ml
    511 year ago

    This is exactly what happened to DIGG* and what’s currently happening to twitter.

    Conservatives get beaten down by the vast majority of users and get a chip on their shoulder. Then as the site starts to die and the users move elsewhere conservatives jump on the sinking ship and declare their the new captain. They start drilling holes in the sinking ship cause theres nkthing else to do, and eventually realize the echo chamber sucks and then move on to the other social networks that everyone else went to, and the process repeats.

    I hope with federation that the cycle doesn’t repeat but we’ll see.

    • DIGG made their big DIGG 4.0 change to overhaul the algorithm because it was being gamed and brigaded by members of conservative forums at the time. It just so happened they did it with a user interface overhaul. For a while, after most everyone moved to reddit, the top posts were mostly conservative stuff.
    • lightrushOP
      1 year ago

      Makes sense. I caught a bit of late Slashdot then went RSS to news sources for a while, then Reddit. I didn’t have informed and fleshed out view of the political spectrum at that time to notice. Maybe I’ve gobbled up some shit that I had to undo later. This reminds me that I miss the Slashdot comment labels. A FOSS platform like Lemmy could be a place to experiment with it.

      • @roblarky@beehaw.org
        41 year ago

        That’s what happened to me back in the day. Being young and naive, definitely picked up some things I had to undo and look back with cringe.

    • @StringTheory@beehaw.org
      91 year ago

      Then as the site starts to die and the users move elsewhere conservatives jump on the sinking ship and declare their the new captain. They start drilling holes in the sinking ship cause theres nkthing else to do,

      This is a really clever metaphor. Someone with the skills needs to draw it in the style of a political cartoon from the 1910-20s.

      (Also, I saw a great quote somewhere about how conservatives destroy things because they don’t have the capacity to build. Your “drilling holes” reminded me of that.)

    • @parapsaeon@lemmy.world
      31 year ago

      They’re doing the same thing that Republicans in Congress are doing/proposing: gerrymandering and raising the voting age. Conservatism is at odds with democracy.

    • @raspberrybush@beehaw.org
      41 year ago

      Well you’ve got to remember that these big and sudden changes are great because they benefit the ruling class which the conservatives will eventually become once they’ve pulled their bootstraps tight enough.

      It’s just basic logic.


  • @feetongrass@beehaw.org
    471 year ago

    Is there a reason why they’re doing this? Blackout’s not even political. They just want to be contrarian to everything.

    • Discoslugs
      281 year ago

      Not allowing unfettered corporate greed to ruin things is leftist propaganda!

    • leonbisexualkennedy
      1 year ago

      Sort of. Despite being over a million subs for about a year now (maybe more or less, I forget), they try to push the narrative that they are complete Reddit outcasts and are treated unfavorably compared to other political subs. I wouldn’t be surprised if they see this as their way of becoming the predominant political sub on the site now that Reddit is falling apart.

      • @MachineTeaching@feddit.de
        171 year ago

        I mean, they aren’t treated well by other users, they don’t deserve to be and shouldn’t be. Paradox of tolerance and all that. They have their echo chamber and leaving it means a bad time. They are still treated well by the platform itself.

        • leonbisexualkennedy
          121 year ago

          Yeah, that’s what I meant. They get a lot of well deserved hate, but some people on that sub act like the entire place is shadowbanned by the admins even though they’ve been getting away with blatantly breaking the TOS for years without getting banned.

      • @pkulak@beehaw.org
        151 year ago

        The entire conservative political philosophy is based on being a martyr. They better be careful, or they’re gonna become the dog that caught the car, just like on Twitter.

    • Shhalahr
      161 year ago

      Pretty sure they figure it’s all the “Leftist Libtard” subs going dark and so, yeah, they’re gonna be congrarian to that. And, at the core, the blackout is about sharing tools to produce a more inclusive community. And that’s the sort of thing /r/conservative is staunchly against. So it makes sense they’d go out of their way to go contrary to that.

    • Veraticus
      141 year ago

      That’s basically their entire ideology anyway so kinda fits.

    • Ghostalmedia
      91 year ago

      I assumed the idea was to fill reddit with trash content. A lot of subs didn’t go dark, so flooding the homepage with trash content will pollute the existing experience.

      • @blackbelt352@lemmy.sdf.org
        1 year ago

        Going dark fulfills a whole bunch of objectives, filling up with trash is one of them, it’s fewer eyes seeing ads because less content keeping people scrolling, people subbed to subreddits that went dark are getting a stream of messages saying the execs at reddit fucked up and are providing alternatives like discord and Lemmy, and anyone who even dabbled with fediverse relates stuff like mastodon are getting messages and emails capitalizing on the mass Exodus saying hey come to lemmy, we’re like reddit but decentralized.

        • The Doctor
          31 year ago

          Don’t you love it when your normal MO is the hot new thing?

      • The Doctor
        41 year ago

        That’ll pull in a lot of new users. Conservatives and chuds will see it and flock there. Wouldn’t surprise me if any of the investors eyeing the IPO were among them.

    • @Wrathofcon@beehaw.org
      41 year ago

      Many conservatives are convinced that Reddit is basically a communist website at this point, so anything Reddit approves of MUST be bad

      • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
        31 year ago

        Which is both sad and hilarious. That anyone could be that stupid to actually believe that. And then to realize that this is how poorly people in Western nations are educated.

      • Shhalahr
        21 year ago

        Well, Reddit the Community. Reddit the Company clearly doesn’t approve of the blackout.

  • UnderlyingLogic
    471 year ago

    Always needing to be the contrarian, no matter the subject or how it may hurt them as well.