If you’re that opposed to earning something and feeling like you earned it you can just exit the game through a hard close (alt-f4 or going to home screen and force closing the app on console) as that doesn’t save to the save file. But then you’ll feel like a dirty rotten cheater every time you look at your shiny dice. So you do you.
Isn’t that what we’re discussing? How to save scum “honor”.
If you’re that opposed to earning something and feeling like you earned it you can just exit the game through a hard close (alt-f4 or going to home screen and force closing the app on console) as that doesn’t save to the save file. But then you’ll feel like a dirty rotten cheater every time you look at your shiny dice. So you do you.
Looking at what is presented to me by the mod manager you don’t even have to save scum it, you can probably just activate it through the mod manager.