I’m boycotting this for you excluding Archimedes, the owl from Sword in the Stone!
What do you mean I wasn’t included??
Who who? What what?
I never saw this until a few years ago, just missed it somehow as a kid so I watched it one day. For a cartoon owl, I feel they nailed the attitude pretty well with this guy.
It’s based off the first section of the book Once and Future King by T. H. White. An amazing book, can’t recommend it enough.
He has the most epic laugh!
Junius Matthews FTW!
Exactly should be the top owl.
This halftime show accepts
walk-onsfly-ons. An upvote is an upvote.Next year you should do a full out fictional owl bracket. That would be cute and v fun
With all these extra owls that people are posting I just might. I didn’t realize I’d left so many out.
What until the Guardians of Ga’hoole people show up!
Owls have been such a great symbolic and mythological creature for just about every civilization for tensnof thousands of years. I thought 250 real owls was way too many! 😉
Like Matt Damon?
And then the year after that, pair real owls with fictional owls for a 2v2 bracket
Soon the superbowl will be asking you to do an ad spot on the far more popular seasonal event
Same! Very disappoint!
So true. ✊🏽
…flying is not merely some crude, mechanical process. It is a delicate art. Purely aesthetic. Poetry of motion. And the best way to learn it is to do it.
Owl from Winnie the Pooh vs Hedwig from Harry Potter
Vote here for Owl
Owl is an anthropomorphic owl who first appeared in Disney’s animated short Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. Owl’s character is based on the stereotype of the “wise old owl”, though his “wisdom” is sometimes questionable.
Bubo the Owl from Clash of the Titans vs Mr. Owl from Tootsie Pops
Vote here for Mr. Owl
In the original television ad, a questioning boy (voiced by Buddy Foster) proposes the question to a cow (voiced by Frank Nelson), a fox (voiced by Paul Frees), a turtle (voiced by Ralph James) and an owl (voiced by Paul Winchell). Each one of the first three animals tells the kid to ask someone else, explaining that they would bite a Tootsie Pop every time they lick one. Eventually, he asks the owl, appearing wise, who offers to investigate. He starts licking the orange Tootsie Pop, but bites into it after only three licks. The child walks away, saying to himself, “If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s a smart owl.” The commercial ends the same way, with various flavored Tootsie Pops unwrapped and being “licked away” until being crunched in the center with Herschel Bernardi asking, “How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie pop? The world may never know.”
Wow, nothing about Bubo? My man got the eye from the witches, saved Perseus, and helped him defeat the Kraken. He’s a hero. Mr. Owl just ate some candy.
Bubo’s entry is farther down the comments. He currently only has one upvote so if you would like to support him send some love his way.
I see, thank you.
Can you believe how little screen time they gave Bubo in the remake?! The single biggest mistake they made, and by the gods, they made a few
Bubo the Owl from Clash of the Titans vs Mr. Owl from Tootsie Pops
Vote here for Bubo
Bubo was forged by Hephaestus and sent by Athena to aid Perseus in his quest to save the princess Andromeda in the original 1981 film.
After losing Athena’s helmet in Calibos’ swamp, Zeus orders Athena to give Perseus her owl, Bubo, as a replacement. She refuses, but agrees to have Hephaestus build a clockwork copy of Bubo to aid Perseus on his quest. Bubo helps him overcome numerous enemies, but not without a little fumbling on his part…
Bubo is my go to, I can’t even help it, it’s just involuntary at this point. I watched that so much as a kid and plenty times more as an adult.
Fuck yeah, another Clash of the Titans kid! We had this on repeat so often growing up, haha
Vote here for Hooty from the Owl House (he also barges in when he wasn’t included)
Hoot hoot!
The most superb owl of them all.
Wan Shi Tong, the spirit of knowledge (Avatar TLA), should not only get a spot, he should win the whole contest!
Owl from Winnie the Pooh vs Hedwig from Harry Potter
Vote here for Hedwig
Hedwig (d. 27 July 1997) was Harry Potter’s pet female snowy owl. Hedwig was an eleventh birthday gift from Rubeus Hagrid to Harry. Hagrid purchased her at the Eeylops Owl Emporium.
In addition to delivering mail, the typical use owls are put to, Hedwig was also a close companion to Harry. She remained one of his closest friends right up to her death during the Battle of the Seven Potters at the height of the Second Wizarding War.
I’m partial to The Great Owl from The Secret of NIHM.
Not even the owl from Zelda?
If we’re throwing owls in, then I submit to you David Bowie in Labyrinth. He’s an owl and he’s the goblin king; what’s not to love?
Got my vote.
Y’all are sleeping on the great horned owl that appears briefly at the end of the last episode of Twin Peaks season one
The owls are not what they seem.
I like this owl personally:
I had the audiobook for that, and the EEEEYYEEEEK from the narrator was perfect
Hedwig for sure, she died for Harry’s sins of being the dumbest fucker at Hogwarts
I honestly care more about this than the super bowl.
You have put me in an impossible position! I can’t decide between Owl and Hedwig!