This is a feature I really miss from Apollo. If I long pressed on a comment, it would show the parent comment that it was a reply to. It’s helpful when you’re way down a chain and see a reply, but you’ve no idea what it’s replying to. I’d really love to see this come to Voyager.

  • @notfromhere
    7 months ago

    I would rather see long-press comment or post bring up select text and select the text under my cursor.

    Edit, is OPs request what the “jump” buttons could help with?

    26 months ago

    It’s been a while since Apollo stopped working and I never even knew about this feature back when it still did, so I have a bit of trouble picturing it. Can you explain HOW this worked, exactly?

    When you long pressed on a comment, would it scroll up to the immediate parent, or did it collapse all the other children of the same parent (or only those above the comment you pressed on), or what?

      16 months ago

      It would pop-up the current comment (one that user long pressed) while adding to it also the parent comment on top. User could then when done interacting with it swipe it away (up/down) to return back to previous position.