How did it go? Any recommendations?

    41 year ago


    A cute Japanese tree-spirit creatures inspired board game about growing a tree and earning leaf points over three seasons. Whoever gets the most points wins! Takes around 30 minutes to play.

      31 year ago

      I surprisingly like this game. It fills an interesting niche with placing cards in the right way. It also does a really good job not overstaying its welcome.

    41 year ago

    I’m currently in the honeymoon phase with Innovation, a small but wild and cut-throat, kind of abstract civilization style card game originally released in 2010. I played it twice with my girlfriend now and she won both times, but losing is also fun here, simply because so much chaotic stuff will happen. It seems that so many different strategies are possible that no two games will feel similar.

    I heard that some people dislike it for the chaos it contains, but I hope I can get some people from my usual gaming group interested so that I can play more often.

    There will also soon be a Kickstarter for an updated version which I am excited for.

      1 year ago

      It’s all about managing the chaos!
      Haven’t about of the new edition, will definitely keep an eye on that. Found these links:
      BGG news
      Backerkit shows it opening in 2 weeks.

    1 year ago

    I went to a board game trade fair (“Spiel doch! Am Bodensee”). I had my kids with me, so I did mostly play family and kids games with them, but also found cough some cough games for me. But now I’m broke LOL.

    Anyway, I welcome Hens (“Hennen”), Factory 42 (german edition; signed by the designer), Dune:Imperium and Everdell to my collection. I also got bear and puma tokens for Cryptid, as missing an areal and needing to correct a yes/no was always a strong hint to someone’s rule and has ruined a game already a few times.

    My kids also got some new games, but the only one of them, that I liked personally was Café del Gatto

        1 year ago

        No, the weekend before: 02.06.23 - 04.06.23

        It was really nice. Some huge games in the entrance hall (e.g. Carcassonne with ~25x25cm tiles) and an exhibition Halle filled about 2/3 with booths of game shops, game designers and game publishers and about 1/3 of the hall full of tables with chairs and a huge booth where you could lend games for free to try them out. See also their flyer:

  • Seeker of Carcosa
    31 year ago

    Managed to play Arkham Horror twice in one week, though missed playing War of the Ring with my partner.

    Wednesday was an 11 hour Arkham Horror marathon due to 2 friends moving away. Four of us took the day off. We attempted the two-party Dream Eaters campaign with two groups of 3. The awake team blitzed through their scenarios while the dreamers struggled through theirs (having already played the other way, the dream scenarios are more complex). This resulted in the awake team waiting 30 mins - 1 hour per scenario for the dreamers to finish. We finished at the end of scenario 3 as we were so exhausted.

    Saturday was my Path to Carcosa group, which proved to be a lot more fun, probably because we weren’t trying to cram a whole campaign into one day. Completed scenario 3 before the final agenda came up. Our seeker is ridiculous at hoovering clues.

  • Monkeytennis
    31 year ago

    Got reacquainted with Raiders of Scythia, to teach next week - I needed a refresher. Trying to get better at Glass Road solo, the scores on BGG are some way above mine…

    31 year ago

    Bought a copy of Turing Machine for my bf and me. We’re programmers so I couldn’t pass it up. Pretty good if you can keep from making foolish mistakes. Messed up the ordering of the cards already, but I figure that makes it a more authentic experience.

    31 year ago

    It was my birthday on Saturday, so I was able to get a few friends to come home and play a few games with me. We got these to the table:

    Cross Clues: Fun warmup game. Easy to integrate people midgame, which happened because a couple of people were running late. Also, my kids (8 and 5) got to play too, even if the 5 year old couldn’t think of a clue (and one of my friends had to bite his tongue and not say the very nsfw clue he was thinking of).

    Scape Goat: This game shouldn’t work as well as it does. It’s too simple, but still manages to get you paranoid. Also, you need to make sure you read the grid correctly, or you might target the wrong goat, which two of us did. Still, it was fun.

    Derby: Simple horse betting game. Not a lot of depth to it, but it was fun. I like the illustrations Maldón (the publisher) usually does, but I think they could have made a better job of differentiating the colors. I wouldn’t play this with bad lighting.

    Codenames: Pictures: A classic. Also could involve the kids, so that was fun.

    Article 27: I hadn’t played this in ages. It’s a fun negotiation game.

    In all, we had fun. Next time I hope I can get something more meaty, but it was still fun.

  • itzpea
    21 year ago

    I finished the first campaign of Isofarian Guard and then set up for some Final Girl 2, but didn’t get a chance to play yet.

    21 year ago

    I played Great Western Trail again. I love this game so much but hate having to tell my friends to think about their turn before their turn happens. When their turn comes and they’re staring at the board for a few minutes just thinking, it really grinds the game to a halt.

    21 year ago

    Had a mid relatively recently, so Thursday was my first game session in a couple of months.

    Played Chinatown and won handily. Love that game. Very straight forward rules, lots of good interaction and decisions, and a great narrative over the course of the game. Glad to get back to the table.

    1 year ago

    After half a year, I finally continued my King’s Dilemma game with friends. We had a huge blast again, it’s definitely one of my favorite boardgames at this point and I’m very excited for the sequel.

    Also, this is my first post in the fediverse, so hello! So nice to find a kinda active tabletop community here!

  • @Trabic
    21 year ago

    We got a couple of 3 handed rounds of Wingspan, and one of Azul

    Wingspan is such a pretty game, maybe a little overly complicated, but not as bad as Mandy Patinkin might lead you to believe.

    I don’t like Azul as much, but Mrs. Trabic and our friend love it. I think it may be a difference in learning styles.

    1 year ago

    I played Earth for the second time Sunday night (after my usual RPG night was cancelled/postponed), this time with 4 rather than my first game with 2.

    It’s a really interesting game, but I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it yet. I originally took a look because it kept coming up in discussions around Ark Nova (which I tried and disliked), Wingspan, Terraforming Mars, etc.

    I can see why people say Ark Nova is a bad comparison (I agree, very little overlap) but absolutely see why people compare it to Wingspan so often. So many of the mechanics in Earth seem to be directly pulled from Wingspan and then vaguely re-themed to be plant based. It really feels like they started with Wingspan as a base design, and then reworked it into their own concept.


    • Simultaneous/shared turns a la Race for the Galaxy work super well in a wingspan-like game. Getting to run your engine on other people’s turns is so much nicer than sitting and waiting for them to deliberate over choices.
    • The flexibility of getting to build your own tableau with almost no limitations is a lot of fun, as opposed to building off of an existing engine framework.
    • The shared turns have made it (so far) such that I never felt like I was truly pinched for resources. I wasn’t taking actions out of desperation to catch up, I was picking what I felt would get me closer to my actual goals.
    • Despite the singleton deck, it never felt like I was unable to find cards with the synergies or qualities I needed.
    • There were a good number of high payoff “build around” cards that came up, which is something I always enjoy in a board game.


    • The iconography could use some work, especially considering how heavily the game relies on it. I mean, the “cold climate” symbol is a five pointed snowflake?! The object that is famously six sided?! I understand having a learning curve, but having a player ask, “what the hell does this symbol mean?” and hour into a game isn’t great.
    • Flavor is tenuous, in Wingspan I get that predators hunt smaller birds, that birds which lay lots of eggs and store lots of eggs, etc. In Earth, I have no idea why a given plant has 5 sprouts but only 2 growth, or another one has 2 sprouts and 4 growth. The event cards are even more incomprehensible.
    • It’s got a bit of the “egg rush” end game from Wingspan (sprout rush here) but it’s mitigated by shared actions, and having more flexibility in how you build things up (this could have also been placed in Pros, tbh).
    • I would never ever want to play this in person. So many fiddly bits interacting that I’m happy to allow BGA to handle for me. Especially considering the scoring, which (again) mirrors Wingspan but has significantly higher totals and would presumably take proportionally longer to count up.
    • I understand why a game like this uses photos as card art, but I do really wish they had nice Wingspan-like illustrations instead.

    Overall, very interesting game. I had fun, and I’m looking forwarding to digging into it more on future plays.

    11 year ago

    I FINALLY tried out the Hansa Teutonica game I got for my birthday two years ago. I’ve been wanting to try it out, but couldn’t bring myself to read the rule manual. It’s nothing against the wording or so, I was just procrastinating (I’m good at that).

    1h youtube video later, I felt I understood the basics, and packed the game for our boardgame day last Saturday.

    I LOVED IT. I don’t have any other Euro-games, this is by design, but I really wanted to try one. This one came highly recommended, and I can understand why. There are so many things to do, strategies to try… I definitely will play it again.

    We also played Codenames and Set a Watch, but that was less of a revelation and more of a return of some favorites on the table.

    11 year ago

    I played Santiago for the first time in a couple of years and it was so much fun. Excellent interaction mechanisms.