Agreed, all are possible to iron out as the tech progresses. I can’t imagine Edison or Tesla were successful in every aspect of their inventions either.
The ability to automate effective learning and training for diverse tasks is arguably the crux of human progression. We’re making more and more “meta” things and I think it’s really promising for our future as a species.
Humans: create tool to help them do things better than they used to like their grandparents and theirs before them.
Also humans: how could we do this?!?!?
One main problem is all the wrong answers it generates. Imagine if when we invented the calculator it fucked up the answer 30% of the time.
Agreed, all are possible to iron out as the tech progresses. I can’t imagine Edison or Tesla were successful in every aspect of their inventions either.
The ability to automate effective learning and training for diverse tasks is arguably the crux of human progression. We’re making more and more “meta” things and I think it’s really promising for our future as a species.