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A 17-year-old from Nebraska and her mother are facing criminal charges including performing an illegal abortion and concealing a dead body after police obtained the pair’s private chat history from Facebook, court documents published by Motherboard show.

    2 years ago

    In the USA there’s due process required for authorities to gain access to your private data

    This is only the case when the data is being obtained by traditional means. As we’ve seen recently, authorities buying data from data brokers completely circumvents any sense of due process on a technicality.

    Yeah, always invoke your right to remain silent. […] It baffles me how criminals will sit there and let police interrogate them until they confess. Maybe it’s because they think they can talk their way out of it, but then why confess.

    Oh absolutely. Even if you are entirely innocent, the police use psycological manipulation as routine part of interrogation. They’d sometimes rather you get confused as to whether you actually may have done something wrong, and eventually admit to something you didn’t do, than to let you go as innocent. There is absolutely nothing good that can come out of “cooperating” (such a loaded and innacurate word in this context), whether you’re innocent or guilty.

      2 years ago

      Yes you can make yourself a prime suspect by talking too much, even if you’re completely innocent. If you don’t have a solid alibi and you “know too much” you’re it.

      I think there used to be a lot more railroading of innocent suspects back in the day, but with modern advances in forensic technology that happens greatly less. Still happens though. You know that cliché about every convict saying he’s innocent. After the stuff I’ve seen watching these crime documentaries for years, I start to think maybe half of them are telling the truth.