Please let me know if there is a more appropriate community for this question.

I can do:

$] printf "\033[1;32mtext\n"

and it returns

text ←colored green

I can do:

$] printf "\033[1;32m" ; printf "green text"

and it returns

green text   ←colored green

But if I do:

$] printf "\033[1;32m"
$] printf "green text"

I get

green text ← NOT colored green

Is there a way of changed all output to a color until I reset it with

$] printf "\033[0m"

I’m trying to color my script’s output for several lines, then changing it back. I thought something like:

$] printf "\033[1;32m"
$] printf "Some statement colored green"
$] printf "Another statement colored green"
$] function () ⇽ return from function, also colored green
$] printf "\033[0m"  ← return to default terminal colors
  • sin_free_for_00_daysOP
    2 years ago

    Never mind, I’m an idiot.

    The following worked for me in my script

    printf $GREEN
    print various things
    printf $NC

    I’m not even sure where I was having issues at this point.