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The irrational way of ressource allocation and oganization of production inherent in capitalism leads to wasted economic potential in pursuit of personal gain and profits, instead of democratizing the workplace, improving living standards and reducing work hours. We waste the potential found in automation on producing mostly useless things that are designed to break in a few years, while also threatening the job security of countless of working people instead of shortening the work week with same or increased pay.

    2 年前

    Also just coincidence that all those also shared many other negative aspects I pointed out? And what about all of them being in a disadvantage from the start? When Marx envisioned communism, he explictly stated that it is something industrialised societies should try to achieve.

    And keep in mind that they always stood against the “free” world trying to shut them down. I mean look at Cuba and Venezuela, a large portion of their problems is the free world trying to free them with sanctions, coup attempts or full blown parakilutary operations.