Hello! I’m thinking about switching from my beloved fedora to a rolling release distro, because it really intrigues me, but I’m a bit scared of Arch, it’s still too soon for me to go down this rabbit hole XD
what do you think about debian testing? It’s not a “true” rolling release as long as I understand, but it “practically” behaves like one, correct? On the system informations I still see Debian 12, what will happen when Debian 13 stable will be released?

sorry if these are silly questions and thanks to all in advance!

  • sin_free_for_00_days
    2 years ago

    I just run firefox nightly. It updates just about every day. Also, don’t worry about chodes talking about Debian not being up-to-date. For any purposes aside from some fringe new hardware, which you may have to wait a week or two to update, or chodes with a “latest” fetish, Debian is as up-to-date as any of the other highly touted fresh distributions. In the end it comes down to how you like to deal with package management.