I prefer browsing by RSS feed. I can get a sorted-by-new RSS feed of any Lemmy community easily, and it is very useful. However, if I click through a post because I am interested, it takes me to that community’s instance, which means I am not logged in to their instance (because I am logged in only to SDF). Hence I cannot easily comment.

To solve this, I need to go back to our SDF instance, find the external community through our portal, then re-find the post I found interesting. This makes me a much more passive consumer of Lemmy content, which isn’t bad in a lot of ways, but ya know, sometimes I want to contribute a little comment here and there.

Anyone know of a way around this?

I could stop using RSS, but RSS is too powerful a part of my Internet consumption workflow to give up now.

  • jtk@lemmy.sdf.org
    2 years ago

    That Subscribed feed pretty much entirely replaces Reddit and HN for me. I was so excited when I saw how it worked. I think the feed link has some account specific code in it, so I guess it’s not a great thing to share privacy wise, but I wasn’t expecting my sub list to be private anyway. I think that means if I decided to share the url I get from the RSS feed link (or maybe there’s already a way anyone can get the same link, fine by me), anyone else could follow my subscriptions, which is kind of a cool feature.