A Chinese man was disqualified from the Xiamen Marathon for chain-smoking during the race, violating a new rule against uncivilized behavior.
I’m anticigarettes, but still impressed.
As someone who smoked two packs a day at one point, I am also impressed.
Edit: wait how many do you smoke now?
I just moved to vaping and away from smoking. There was no big accomplishment here, unfortunately. Meh, it’s just a risk tradeoff as nicotine isn’t completely harmless itself. Without getting into details here, quitting nicotine is not on the table for at least another year.
Progress is progress, good luck
On the one hand, seems he earned his place. On the other hand, they should have stopped him running when there was still a chance to protect the (maybe literal) sensitivities of other racers and observers. Enforcement only after he finished is just stupid.
Put another way, if he does it merely to do it, as many runners do, what’s to stop him doing it again and again, knowing his personal results will not only be shared with him, but likely the papers?
Apparently they didn’t notice until photos of the violation went viral online
Like I said. The weakest form of enforcement possible. Their policy accomplished nothing here, and somehow they were proud enough of that nothing to try to get papers to crow about it.
Chinese papers didn’t crow about it: the marathon released a statement on Chinese Twitter, the freaking Daily Mail somehow managed to pick up on it, and then Business Insider™ then re-reported the stuff reported by Daily Mail with s’more links to the sources.
They wanted him to fail so they could bemoan the evils of smoking. When he succeeded the resorted to bureaucracy to rob him of his prize.
fastest runner I’ve ever run with (in the army) chainsmoked two newports before running the 2 mile apft. He ran 4:19 the first mile, 4:46 the second. My lardass was lapped. Fucker was already on cig #3 when I crossed the finish line @11:30. Had mercury wings tattooed on his ankles. Shit blew my mind.
Petty little people. Give the man his due!
Yeah who cares what he smokes . Is it evwn in the rules . Just give the man what he earned
No mad lads allowed
Smoke is bad but nicotine is an upper. Maybe that makes is less bad in the short term? Or maybe when helpful?
it’s also a vasodilator/bronchodilator. Not a good one, not one you’d want to use for performance enhancement, but yeah.
As someone who stopped smoking when I was 12y old I’m impressed
Man proves that smoking is a massively propagandized topic and all the popular rhetoric really amounts to prohibition and behavior control.
Gets behavior controlled.
uh… medical lung scans show otherwise, but I’m fine with people destroying their own.
Yes, in old age when the excretory system is failing tar can accumulate in the lungs. When you’re in your 70s or 80s.
You need to do more research.
Nicotine addiction makes some people go so hard into denial it’s unreal.
My favorite part is the idea that horrible damage suddenly happens in your 70s and 80s, as if decades of long term use can’t possibly add up to something.
That is exactly what the debunk found though.
Somewhere in the 70s they found a dude with complete liver and kidney failure who was in his 80s. He was a smoker.
After autopsy, they too HIS lung, one guy, took a pic, and paraded it around America saying “this is what all smoker’s lungs look like.”
It was a patent lie.
The body is fully capable of filtering out waste and pissing and shitting it out… until the excretory system fails. Then sepsis sets in and a person dies of sepsis.
God, the sheer unadulterated stupidity of you loud mouth prohibitionist asshats…
Cigarette smoking causes brain shrinkage, and the more and longer a person smokes, the greater the damage is, according to a new study.
Sorry for your loss.
Nicotine also does damage to the brain. Plus if they are old enough to have been breathing in leaded gasoline and everything else, there is no hope for them.
And MDMA eats holes in your brain.
And if you take Acid once, you will randomly go on “phantom trips” every month or so for the rest of your life.
Just keep watching “Reefer Madness” on repeat as a documentary and dont worry about splashing your stupid on the interwebz.
My dude/dudette.
THC and it’s derivatives plus the terpenes and everything else we are constantly discovering in cannabis have health benefits. Some strains even enhance some things even for those who don’t really need the help.
LSD is not harmful and you can’t overdose on it.
MDMA in its lab form does no damage to the brain and can help treat depression, ptsd, etc.
MDMA that has been mixed with fuck knows what for filler and stepped on by fuck knows who, can and will do damage.
Nicotine is a poison. We use it as an insecticide and know how it works on insects. You’d have to be a trump supporter to not see the fact that it does similar to the human body and people are increasing their intake as the stupid vapes and pouches take over.
I’ll bet the fattest blunt you’ve never smoked that I know more about the history of drugs, more specifically cannabis in the USA than you could ever hope to.
18 years enough?
The propaganda you slurp up without verification reeks.
Apparently not, keep at it.
I’m confused.
Is it
A) You have been smoking for 18 years and you don’t think that you have tar and other shit on/in your lungs?
B) You’ve been studying this for 18 years and somehow every single other researcher on this over the past centuries has it all wrong?
Exceptions to the rule don’t make the rule obsolete. How many smokers do you know that could reliably run any distance further than 800m? I don’t know any, but I do know plenty of people that quit smoking because it was inhibiting their exercise. Being a human that grew up in an area that normalized tobacco consumption and played sports, I’ve tried cigarettes. It absolutely affects performance in a very negative way. He completed the marathon in spite of his smoking, and would have performed better even if he stopped for a couple weeks beforehand and immediately resumed smoking after.
As an American, I can say with confidence I dont know anyone who could reliably run even 800m, regardless of their smoking status.
ah, I suppose that’s a fair point. I said “run”, not “compete”. I love my mom and I’m proud of her for both quitting and picking up running, but she definitely couldn’t compete in our town’s annual 5k celebration run
False equivelency.
How many Karens and Kens soaking their undies in bleach do you know who could reliably run any distance further than 800m?
Fuck off propaganda guzzler.
Don’t feed the troll, guys. Either this guy is just playing with you, or he probably also believes the earth is flat or something. There are few things so well scientifically explored as the plethora of different negative consequences of smoking, so if he would be interested in realistic insights, he would stumble across studies and answers everywhere himself easily, so that is definitely not the case. Also, there are plenty of longterm extremely harmful drugs that might even increase ones performance short term, so this runner obviously didn’t prove anything to anyone.
Why do I feel like I have seen this photo before? So weird.
This happened two years ago, and was a Twitter meme. You may have saw it in 2022
It happened this year on the 7th of January, at least to my understanding:
Uncle Chen, nicknamed the ‘Smoking Brother’, managed to complete the Xiamen Marathon in three hours and 33 minutes on January 7 this year.
Holy shit, it’s the same man two years later
It does feel very familiar, glad I’m not alone. I feel like he looks like some asshole business exec who was disgraced for some reason? Could be way off though