Is Obsidian a good tool to use for writing technical manuals? I would like to write an Operation Manual for municipality’s water system. There will be embedded screenshots and some links to other sections of the document.

Ideally we could “publish” to offline html. The customer would also like a printed manual.

If Obsidian is no good, I would love suggestions on software you have used to write short manuals with pictures, preferably not Word.

    2 years ago

    This depends on what do you need form a note taking app. But if your needs are covered by many - great you have a big list to choose from.

        2 years ago

        Man, now I have to go from championing Obsidian to warning people away from it. That sucks.

        What are you talking about?! How is commercial licensing of an indie product something to warn people about? Maybe start by warning people of Microsoft, Adobe, Oracle, SAP, because their licensing models are horrendously exploitive.

        You are just frustrated that your entitlement for a free product was not satisfied. Your reaction to vent against Obsidian and by that its Dev Team is bizarre.

        • Kyoyeou (Ki jəʊ juː)
          2 years ago

          You’re telling me people prefer paying 55$/month for Adobe that doesn’t care about you and will with time get worst and not pay 50$/year for a indie company that has constant growth adding more and more features and giving you a better product!

          2 years ago

          Because my work notes are personal as far as I’m concerned. If my employer was telling everyone to use Obsidian that would be a different story. Their scope is too wide, and yes, it’s frustrating. Not to mention, the core obsidian application is lackluster at best; it’s the plugins that really make it stand out. How much of the money goes to plugin creators?

          Just scummy all around.

            2 years ago

            I would like to write an Operation Manual for municipality’s water system. There will be embedded screenshots and some links to other sections of the document.

            Ideally we could “publish” to offline html. The customer would also like a printed manual.

            This is not personal use. This is commercial use.

            If my employer was telling everyone to use Obsidian that would be a different story

            In that case your employer would need to provide you with a license.

            Not to mention, the core obsidian application is lackluster at best; it’s the plugins that really make it stand out.

            If Obsidian is lackluster, then why even complain about its licensing model. Just move on to another programm.

            How much of the money goes to plugin creators?

            I don’t know and I don’t think it matters. Plugin creators frequently provide donation methods on their sites. I also don’t believe that Obsidian is as profitable as you might think. I don’t think the income generated through licensing covers what the Dev team actually puts in in terms of work, although I don’t have any figures on that.

            This is also a poor attempt at moving the goal post. You just realized that you are not behaving ethically… and instead of sucking up to it and either paying 50$/year for a commercial license or moving on to another product (which most definitely has a licensing model as well) you are hating on an indie software dev team. Go and play with OneNote.

              2 years ago

              I am not the person writing a manual. Reading comprehension is key to having an intelligent discussion about any topic via text. Please pay attention.

              Obsidian says that if I take my own personal meeting notes in Obsidian, that magically makes it commercial use. That is what I’m complaining about.

              I explained why I chose Obsidian. I promise you very few people would use it without plugins. It’s not terrible or anything, but just lackluster. Without plugins it becomes far less useful. If tomorrow they said they were removing the ability to use plugins, would you continue to use Obsidian without them? I doubt it.

              It does matter because you made it about devs “needing” compensation. If you believe that, then it should translate to the people actually making Obsidian stand out: the plugin creators. No?

              You have no idea what moving the goalposts means. I am just extrapolating from your own stance. I already said I’m abandoning Obsidian. You seemed to think that was crazy, but also don’t seem to understand why Obsidian is hurt more by this decision than I am.

                2 years ago

                my own personal meeting notes

                … are work-related and thus fall under commercial use.

                You seemed to think that was crazy, but also don’t seem to understand why Obsidian is hurt more by this decision than I am.

                How is Obsidian hurt by you not using it? The only way I see is through the threats you made to “warn other people”, this would be vindictive damage done by you against an indie developer team, who made a private pet project of theirs available to the public.

                  2 years ago

                  Finally you catch up. My own personal work notes; I don’t share them with anyone or anything like that. They are just to help me remember what was said in the meeting. That is not usually how “commercial use” is defined.

                  I imagine Obsidian gets a lot of user via word of mouth. It’s definitely how I found it. And yeah, I’m going to point out anytime it comes up that the licensing is very broad and that if the intent is to be a second brain, to keep looking or pay. Does that sound vindictive? It seems pretty helpful to me. None of it is inaccurate. I certainly won’t be recommending it.

                    2 years ago

                    My own personal work notes; I don’t share them with anyone or anything like that. They are just to help me remember what was said in the meeting. That is not usually how “commercial use” is defined.

                    This definitely falls under commercial use. You are using it as a tool in your work.

                    the licensing is very broad

                    It is not. The licensing also offers free use for many applications where other software might charge you a full license anyway.

                    that if the intent is to be a second brain, to keep looking or pay

                    Again… personal use is free.

                    I certainly won’t be recommending it.

                    You do you, but don’t frame your entitlement for free use of products within commercial use as a righteous crusade against an evil indie developers team. It is not. Neither is the Obsidian dev team malicious or in any way exploitive in their licensing model nor is there any ambiguity for what constitutes commercial use. If you were to argue your case against Microsoft, or any other BigTech Giant, I would be on board with you, but in Obsidian’s case your criticism is not applicable.

                2 years ago

                I am not the person writing a manual. Reading comprehension is key to having an intelligent discussion about any topic via text. Please pay attention.

                I would like to write an Operation Manual for municipality’s water system.

                Writing comprehension is key to having an intelligent discussion about any topic via text. Please pay attention.

                Edit: Apparently I have no reading comprehension. I am sorry. I got confused at some point.