People don’t typically do dragons well in general tbh. Even when dragons are secondary to the plot, opting for wyverns the no-armed beasts and calling them dragons. It sort of hurts me inside.
But I agree I want more genuine dragons in my media.
(Side note, I haven’t read the OP as to not spoil myself so for all I know OP could be arguing the same thing so sorry for the redundant point if that’s the case.)
I agree, I have an i7-8700k and a 2080super which I’d say are like mid to high level specs and I have a terrible time running Wild Hearts and Starfield. Such a damn shame too as a big MHW and MHR fan I was really looking forward to Wild Hearts and just couldn’t run the game well at all. At this point I’m just not surprised when a triple A game runs like dog water on my system, usually these games are free on gamepass I try them out and 5 minutes later I uninstall.
Indies are where it’s at nowadays.