Doing so gives you a unique IP so you lose out on a lot of privacy.
Doing so gives you a unique IP so you lose out on a lot of privacy.
Rooting is more security compromising than it’s worth. There are a small set of use cases I could see but for the most part do either or below.
If you have a Pixel you would want to run GrapheneOS for maximum security and privacy.
All other phones you would ADB remove bloatware, run PrivateDNS with NextDNS or an alternative, and turn off as much analytics/permission/features as possible for a functional phone.
You don’t have to use the full eco system of Nix to be happy with it like flakes and home manager. I still stuff everything in one configuration.nix and it has everything I need. Eventually I’ll dive into it but for right now I’m happy.
That’s why I stick with RealDebrid because it’s pricing is competitive and they are the biggest. More people caching content for me which means it’s faster than if it wasn’t.
What device are you wanting to play the music on?
Sorry VMs won’t work in your situation. Check out Lutris for your games.
DLC Boot has been my all in one repair ISO. Get it from FileCR.
I’ve only owned a System76 laptop and they are alright. Framework would be my next choice for sure.
Well Mullvad can only offer that because they require you to be on their VPN. How would Kagi enforce their payment plan without an account?
Think you’re in the wrong sub for this as recording is done on the application layer of each device unless we are talking about self hosted PBX systems that enforce recording. You looking for an Android or iOS app to do this on your mobile providers phone number or something else?
If you look at my recent post history I gave out my script using rclone to backup my server. It’s in NixOS but you can ignore it as it is bash scripting at its core. It has everything you need like using rclone to delete older backups.
I doubt your using NixOS so this config might seem useless but at its core it is a simple systemd timer service and bash scripting.
To convert this to another OS you will use cron to call the script at the time you want. Copy the part between script=“” and then change out variables like the location of where docker-compose is stored since its different on NixOS.
Let me explain the script. We start out by defining the backupDate variable, this will be the name of the zip file. As of now that variable would be 2023-07-12. We then go to each folder with a docker-compose.yml file and take it down. You could also replace down with stop if you don’t plan on updating each night like I do. I use rclone to connect to Dropbox but rclone supports many providers so check it out and see if it has the one you need. Lastly I use rclone to connect to my Dropbox and delete anything older than 7 days in the backup folder. If you end up going my route and get stuck let me know and I can help out. Good luck.
systemd = {
timers.docker-backup = {
wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
partOf = [ "docker-backup.service" ];
timerConfig.OnCalendar= "*-*-* 3:30:00";
services.docker-backup = {
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.User = "root";
script = ''
backupDate=$(date +'%F')
cd /docker/apps/rss
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose down
cd /docker/apps/paaster
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose down
cd /docker/no-backup-apps/nextcloud
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose down
cd /docker/apps/nginx-proxy-manager
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose down
cd /docker/backups/
${pkgs.zip}/bin/zip -r server-backup-$backupDate.zip /docker/apps
cd /docker/apps/nginx-proxy-manager
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose pull
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose up -d
cd /docker/apps/paaster
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose pull
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose up -d
cd /docker/apps/rss
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose pull
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose up -d
cd /docker/no-backup-apps/nextcloud
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose pull
${pkgs.docker-compose}/bin/docker-compose up -d
cd /docker/backups/
${pkgs.rclone}/bin/rclone copy server-backup-$backupDate.zip Dropbox:Server-Backup/
rm server-backup-$backupDate.zip
${pkgs.rclone}/bin/rclone delete --min-age 7d Dropbox:Server-Backup/
If you look at the feature list of both you can gather quite a bit of differences.
https://grapheneos.org/features https://calyxos.org/features/list/
If only they had the same titan chip as the Pixel so I could use GrapheneOS on it.
Hey don’t let this scare you away from GrapheneOS as Louis states he doesn’t know how this works and cannot trust the code.
You cannot be specifically targeted as a user of GrapheneOS with backdoors from the project. The entire user base would need to be targeted and this project has to many eyes on it to not be noticed by now.
This is a very good read https://blog.reconinfosec.com/locking-down-zerotier
TLDR: Used at hacker conference Defcon 26 in a blue team (defense team) capture the flag.
Don’t understand how they made it this long.
Really cool thanks for the share.
Yes just interface