This looks extremely useful. Well done!
This looks extremely useful. Well done!
I’m super sorry if this offends anyone, but I just can’t help but hear “metaballs” as a fake Italian Mario accentt like, “What-ah happen to my meat-ah balls?”
I really want to like both nixOS and their nix package manager, but so far I’m not there yet. from a PM perspective, it seems like anything I tried getting from their repos was always way further behind the mac OS homebrew or Debian apt versions.
nixOS is really slick in concept, but has a steep learning curve to get it properly customized as a daily driver. The learned skills don’t really translate outside the nix realm either, so I decided it was too much effort for my use case. I love this concept as a way to build reproducable servers or workstations tho, so I’ll def be playing with it again.
Thank you! This is basically what I’ve been assuming but haven’t been able to confirm anywhere. Do you happen to have a URL handy I could share with a client? Thanks again!