The 2 parts 001 and 004 can be found for 7 days additionally here: MDAxOiBodHRwczovL3dvcmt1cGxvYWQuY29tL2ZpbGUvR1lUcXM3NHdLNkYKMDA0OiBodHRwczovL3dvcmt1cGxvYWQuY29tL2ZpbGUvcVp1RERmVlQy YmUKYXZhaWxhYmxlIHVwIHRvIDE2LTEwLTIwMjMh
It is a miracle! All links in my original post are available today. I did a test just now. Try your luck fast… Even the file 001 is also available on aHR0cHM6Ly9kYnJlZS5vcmcvdi80NDQzM2U= No necessity to re-upload today.
001 is already blocked by the storage provider! Second try, be quick: aHR0cHM6Ly9kYnJlZS5vcmcvdi80NDQzM2U=
May result in a prison sentence. Double click on the engine, then you will understand!
By the way it is the “Putin” edition, as a hint for users in Russia! You should not use it.
There is definitely no ransom ware in the upload for sure.
I don’t think, that it is a chessbase 16 or 17 problem. I’m not entirely sure if it’s for example after an update a Windows issue, or an AMD driver issue, but sure it needs to be fixed. Can you reset to the last properly functioning state from a backup at least on one of your pc’s?
Next Suggestion Virus Check. Third suggestion: Memory, often small RAM defects can make for an only sometimes unstable Windows. 4. Look for a Diagnostic tool for your own processor.
Maybe a new installation of cb16 can help? Do you use the latest update of cb 16, it is version 22? If the Fritz 17 has no issues, at least the hardware is ok and the windows version is obviously not the problem.
Maybe in CB16 under options Engines the parameter Intelligent CPU-use is activated? Then not all threads are activated for the engines. Just check this possible cause of your problem
You need all of them! Then you should import one after the other into the mega. However, the updates are for mega 2023! First you should therefore download the mega 2023 as a basis for the update import.
It is definitively not available.
He wants a download source with no costs.
Very useful to finding available resources. Thank You!
Do not make a request without contributing something. Golden rule for all!