I’ve got several hits, but none of them have permission to request my location. If I understand the README correctly, that should mean I’m safe, right?
I’ve got several hits, but none of them have permission to request my location. If I understand the README correctly, that should mean I’m safe, right?
Could be, but if they genuinely didn’t understand, this hopefully helped more than continuing the (supposed) joke.
At first, I read it that way too. However, it’s supposed to be: (School) (warns parents) (of border patrol agents boarding buses […])
Ist nicht ganz objektiv Profitmaximierung das, was Kapitalismus und freie Marktwirtschaft ausmacht? Wie würde man das sonst beschreiben?
If you want the magic explained, here’s a start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lempel%E2%80%93Ziv%E2%80%93Welch
Ich stelle mir einfach einen quadratischen Fernseher vor, der genauso groß ist wie eine Schultafel…
Huh, really? I thought there were slightly more women than men, but maybe that depends on the economies etc.
As for your second point, yes, exactly. They don’t reproduce. So it doesn’t matter if many men get one wife each, or if a few men get many wives each, the number of pregnancies won’t change, and the number of pregnancy-related deaths won’t change either. So (again), I don’t see how polygyny helps in this situation.
Edit: This first point was wrong, but the second point still stands.
Polygyny wouldn’t solve the aforementioned problem if we suppose that the birth rate of men and women is roughly the same. If one man has many wives, some of whom even die, then several other men won’t have any wives.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I already don’t use Google for actual navigation, just for rough estimations. I’m quite happy with OsmDroid.
Mine’s a bit closer to your proportions, although I’m not sure if Google can accurately predict the effects climbing a steep hill up and down will have on cycling and walking. The weird thing is the public transport. It must not know about all available lines, because that should be more like 90 minutes.
Ist eine Verzauberung, die allen eigenen Kreaturen +1/+1 gibt.
I see, for me, that just looked like inclusive borders (meaning the clip is only over when it reaches the outer border), but you’re saying they should be exclusive (so the borders themselves aren’t supposed to be part of the clip)?
Das stimmt so nicht, ein Glorious Anthem o.ä. würde sehr wohl verhindern, dass sie stirbt.
I genuinely can’t tell what’s supposed to be the gore. Granted, I don’t think I’ve ever used YouTube’s clipping functionality. Is it that the “Share clip” button is grayed out?
Hardly a surprise, since Windows 10 didn’t need new hardware to run. You could install it on anything.
I’m currently setting up a 1.7.10 pack server, if you’re interested in that, drop me a PM.
Well, what problems are you trying to solve by having the classes all access each other’s data members? Why is that necessary?
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if screenshots are disabled in that app considering the rest, to “stop leaking sensitive information”.
Cookies required for the website to work (like that one) are totally fine and, in fact, they don’t even have to ask you about them - if they’re not used for tracking. So no, asking each time is definitely avoidable.
True, but at that point, every website I’ll ever visit and have visited in the past might be a threat, so that doesn’t really matter too much to me.