I mentioned it around them once, responses claimed it either never happened it happened but briefly and was ended.
I mentioned it around them once, responses claimed it either never happened it happened but briefly and was ended.
Idk about that, maybe indefinite copyrights would be but limited term is entirely fair. Like imagine you spend 5 years and $50M to develop something (random numbers here), then the next day someone just copies it and sells it cheaper since they had no overhead in copying your product. There’s no incentive to create if all it does is put you in debt, so we do need copyrights if we want things. However Pokemon came out in 96, that’s 28 years. There’s been very little innovation in their games since. And seeing as Digimon wasn’t sued it’s not about the monsters, it’s about the balls. But those balls haven’t changed in almost three decades so I don’t think the really have a case to complain
So is China gonna release the uyghurs and present them with reparations or is this a rules for thee but not for me situation?
This seems a bit oversimplified. Yes the homeless need a place, and that place should be built and funded. But at least in most of the places I’ve lived there are certain bus stops and parks that are not usable as they are full of homeless and addicts sleeping on all the benches and leaving needles all over (putting these together because this close to methodone clinics many homeless are addicts). It’s unsafe for children (or adults for that matter) to use the parks, nobody can sit at the bus stops and at some stops there’s such a crowd of homeless that people generally avoid them altogether. Would these measures from the picture help? No chance, because the anti homeless benches they’ve built are too small for the pregnant and too uncomfortable for injured and elderly so they’ve made it useless to everyone. I’m sure there’s a reasonable solution where everyone wins, and I’m sure I’ll never see it
I rarely get lost exploring anything in any game of it’s just a simple explore and clear. I just make sure to follow the wall on my left and keep following it til I go back out the entrance I came in. Also what are the odds we actually ever see a new es game?
Baldurs Cage
I’ve been waiting so long, it’s almost as of Bethesda set the release schedule
First thing that came to my mind. Such a good game
Dogs are a big one, I can be furious while stuck in city traffic and then see a dog and I’m happy for a minute. Also those pajamas that have the feet covered and everything. Also cartoons and video games but I feel like those are more acceptable adult things nowadays
No I hate it, it’s uncomfortable it smells and it leaves me defenseless (that last issue started after watching Jurassic Park when the lawyer gets eaten)
Honest question, how do you think it should be handled? If my car is stolen I wouldn’t want the cops to just stand next to me and watch it leave.
There’s a glitch where something doesn’t happen, it’s aggravating.
Oh sick thanks I’ll try that! I was trying to make him a sheep before but that wasn’t going my way
They should sell a patch so I can fucking finish laezels questline
That yell was glorious
Lmao I had a ranger like that once. DM kept trying to give him a companion animal and he kept thinking it was an enemy and not trusting it.
Among other roles, she’s well known as the lead role of Ellen Ripley in the Alien movie franchise