i always recommend Deus Ex Revision. its so good
Check out MineClone2 and Super Duck Hydroplane
also try out Stardew Valley Expanded, Visible Fish and Chests Anywhere. its great 👍
i should avoid sea food
some of the more or less interesting ones i came across…
r/InternetIsBeautiful r/AlpineLinux r/CoOpGaming r/antiXLinux r/devuan r/gamedeals r/privacyhardware r/opensourcegames r/FreeGaming r/fossdroid r/linux4noobs r/commandline r/channelsofyoutube r/DeepIntoYouTube r/ChannelWatch r/EatCheapAndHealthy r/Foodforthought r/initFreedom r/irc r/KeepOurNetFree r/linux_devices r/suckless r/techsupport r/unknownvideos r/usenet r/youtubeclassics r/suggestmeabook r/thinkpad r/DistroTube r/odysee r/lbry r/peertube r/FOSSPhotography r/DepthHub r/TrueFilm r/socialscience r/AskSocialScience r/UpliftingNews r/LinuxPhones r/startpages r/terminal_porn r/nodrm r/Antifeatures r/FreeAudio r/listentothis (separated by genre)
probably Terraria and Mount&Blade
SD Maid SE with root to keep my android devices clean.
Stardew Valley is so much better with mods. Less grinding, more fun. I also like the mods for Skyrim and Minetest a FOSS Minecraft-like game.
when reddit closed their source code i knew its time to go, but couldnt find a good alternative. mastodon was to complicated. lemmy today is just right. it reminds me of the early days of reddit
Good old Debian stable with JWM, IceWM or Trinity Desktop for me. Its very efficient, clean and gets out of the users way. Will probably move to LabWC on Wayland when its ready.
list style on Jerboa is pretty good. Only needs a feature to disable the preview images