data from apple watch you see in ipad apple health . . but to activate apple watch still need iphone which quite hassle.
data from apple watch you see in ipad apple health . . but to activate apple watch still need iphone which quite hassle.
yeah . 👍 i change depend on usage. . now just one .cant wait new version is up(not prefer beta version even i can access it )
yes .we have 5 and se . annoyance yeah… and buggy also .
It depend
Most non apple watch , don’t take frequent heart rate . Functionality may more or even nowdays.
Why we upgrade from apple watch se from apple watch 5 series
I buy my father xiomi 1 instead apple watch because he used for android and old folks don’t like to charge .
second .
Yet update . But the os10 a bit annoyance to me . Cannot change swipe watch face , hard to find batterry health . A lot more . Still thinking worth to upgrade 5 to 8 or not.
data from apple watch you see in ipad apple health . . but to activate apple watch still need iphone which quite hassle.