I kinda agree but I wonder what the show would be without him.
I kinda agree but I wonder what the show would be without him.
Ah that makes sense! I didn’t read it all, thanks
I added this to my wish list and got instantly accepted to the Playtest
I have a Clckr strap stuck to a Spigen case and my XR still charges wirelessly with a cheapo 3p wireless charger.
I’ve had more genuine laughs from this game (first playthrough, early act 3) than from any other. Just having Karlach in my party makes me smile every time I switch to her.
Love this song. Takes me straight back to hanging around at Youth Club. Good times.
They look like pine nuts
Try changing the proton settings under compatibility. Also check protonDB.Com
The HOTA Barb has felt consistently powerful at every level. It’s particularly vulnerable against ranged enemies but in a crowded room it’s just unstoppable. Not a lot of finesse though. icyVeins has a good guide for level 1-50 and then maxroll.gg was good for tier 3. I’m undecided what to do for S1, definitely want to try something new though.
Level 68 HOTA (hammer of the ancients) Barbarian. Looking forward to season one?
Thanks for the explanation. That sounds cool.
This is my first Diablo and first game with “seasons.” I’m currently playing a level 55 Barbarian. Can someone explain: What can I expect from season 1 and why would I switch to a new character to play it?
If you decide to go for it, don’t read too much, just go in blind.
Non-stop Diablols for me or StS if I can’t guarantee an hour or can’t get online. Diablo IV runs perfectly.
I have a couple of playlists on Spotify. One mine, one followed. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5S0nypRtrPfuipjbeii240?si=1b47bcc27cc74669 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0RO0GaJCJSw5Gc9M52S4El?si=cda588013215490b There’s some crossover and some tracks that don’t quite fit the genre for me, but I enjoy them both.
Merry Christmas OP! What a lovely thing to do.
I would love to put my name down for P5R.
Happy thing: this is our first full year with our rescue hound Rufus. Seeing him go from a malnourished frightened pup with flat feet to a confident (if still skittish) dog with certificates for training and a lovely manner has made my year.