“My Italian Family” is the name of the service.
The law changed to reflect that when your ancestor naturalized, if his/her child (your relative) was a minor (18 or 21, depending on the date your ancestor naturalized), then the child lost Italian citizenship too.
The reason this matters is that your ancestor who emigrated lost citizenship, period, when naturalized. But if s/he had children before naturalization, then the children might be citizens.
The “might be” used to be “are”. It didn’t matter if the child was a minor until very recently, on October 3rd.
If you don’t want to use the company above to evaluate whether you are eligible, the Dual U.S.-Italian Citizenship group on Facebook is invaluable (I use a shill account there) and their website, dualusitalian.com has all of the details too.
That supports your case! Buona fortuna, amico/a!