alias p = paru
alias P = sudo pacman
alias p = paru
alias P = sudo pacman
Bspwm, but MATE has been my go-to for years
Some doc ock ahit
No, I didn’t plug it in initially, but I also didn’t plug it in when it started, until I saw that the battery was low
Is it just me or do 90% of colons smell the same??
Yeah, it kinda does. Idk what they’re thinking, lol
Idk, I don’t think they’re trying to kill downstreams. IMHO, they’re just cleaning things up. Why should the RHEL source be in the CentOS repos?
Maybe sitting unplugged for months worked as a hard reset? ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
AFAIK, the source is still available with a free Developer License from Red Hat. Still annoying AF, though.
I’m into/starting out knife & tool making. That looks like it could/will be a valuable resource.
Good advice 👍
No, it was unplugged. It was fully charged when I thought I bricked it, and it was at 9% when it booted again. That makes me think it was running in some way, but the system time was still at the same date…
It’s a biber broad Axe, hand forged in austria. it’s my dad’s pride and joy lol