I got an internal BDXL drive and flashed firmware to make sure I can rip the 4K discs I started getting as part of physical bundles. Still need to start getting NAS drives to be ready for when my main PC stops being my daily driver+Plex Server before I had to get a new TV that could view them (still don’t have a dedicated player and annoyed the PS4 Pro didn’t ship with 4K playback). For now I can at least hook my PC to the TV if I really want to watch a disc.
For real. Given how many of the “attractive” cases are becoming very modular/config swappable, It would be cool to see even an add-on option for them that allows changing the faceplate and mount points for a 5.24in bay. Not expecting to see all the “fish tank” cases do this, but some could make it work. Maybe ones that are wide dual chamber ones with metal plate space could have a vertical option.