Ok, try answering the question, am I ok to shoot Trump based on the criteria given?
Ok, try answering the question, am I ok to shoot Trump based on the criteria given?
I’ll end this here as I can see your not wanting to discuss. Only reply…
So the answer seems to be, to take up arms and go murder people our own personal ethics deem should be shot?
What if that’s you? What if someone didn’t agree with your actions and what they had read online, walked up and shot you dead, is that ok?
I don’t know your politics (and don’t really care) what if that guy had not missed, and shot Trump? That ok because trump is a cheat, a felon and will destroy a country to many people, he has destroyed lives, murdered people (via the US Military as commander and chief). He also empowers people like the CEO who got shot. There are a lot of people who think that guy should not be sent to prison had he not missed.
I’m not disagreeing, the guy who was CEO of a company murdering people… 100% agree…
The actions however warrant good discussion on where is the line?
However there has to be some sort of line which is social not personal or we may as just as well start the purge…
And while I fully understand the last statement. This is why it’s a jury of his peers.
That social agreement is broken because of us, we successively vote corruption into power on both sides and wonder why the system never changes…
For the social agreement society has, it’s irrelevant if you think this person is a hero or a villain, they need to be tried by a jury of their peers in a court of law.
If they are not, then the social agreement that we don’t go around murdering people, no matter the intent changes and life becomes very difficult.
That first line is so spot on. Brightened up my day
We should as a community ensure Twitter\X lives forever…
If only as a place to keep certain social media users “entertained”
In all seriousness it does concern me how often I see such a wide variety of news agencies quote Twitter considering the amount of hate that goes on there
I don’t know what you mean? How could a codebase so often patched for exploits and problems be so horrible, surely it’s a shining example of all that is good with the internet? ;-)
Don’t envy anyone involved in this… it’s a lot of work
It’s an interesting video and having read the comments there are a few things worth noting:
It’s no surprise either it was released as Meta did some big fediverse PR yesterday…
What’s important right now is getting bums on seats, keeping activitypub momentum moving forward.
Interesting video, hope it spawns more curiosity
Just answer the question