grisbajskulor [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • This song is a response to racism and prejudice from other marginalized groups. Its purposely offensive, in an effort to prove that talking down to each other gets us no where and makes us lose focus on real opposition. I cannot describe how racism from other groups make me feel in conversation, I’ve tried, but i cannot. So hopefully after this song, you will feel as upset and low as it makes me feel when other peoples plight is compared to black peoples, & how worthless playing oppression olympics is and how ugly racism from other people effected by white supremacy is.

    ^From his bandcamp.

    I used to get so disappointed by artists who write about politics/shit I care about who then also go on to say really dumb shit, but I’ve changed my perspective a lot. Art is so amorphous, I don’t really expect people to construct a persona of themselves, a song is just a song. The semantics, even the words, don’t really feel that important, it’s all about you and your response to it all.

    I think what it is is that I’ve lately been able to recognize how dumb, mean, antisocial and bigoted I am, despite considering myself a “leftist.” And I kinda see some of that in every artist and every person in general. I guess I sometimes appreciate when someone’s message is fucked up and conflicted, because anyone close enough to “the truth” as I see it is bound to be fucked up and conflicted. I don’t take shit seriously anymore, maybe things just feel too polished in 2022.

    Random rant over lol

    EDIT: Also, I’ve heard random PSL-affiliated rap, and I think what I wrote above is why that shit honestly sucks to my ears. It’s like hitting you over the head with like “the workers must own the means of production shout out fidel!” and I’m like uhhh ok this was made in a communist lab

  • Just wanted to thank you for this, super informative!

    Heads up: Uninformed spontaneous takes.

    I don’t think you can be a serious leftist if you aren’t willing to criticize decisions made in leftist states. History should be treated as a series of experiments & case studies. No state is perfect. Forced integration always seems to end up a cruel affair, and I’m sure many decisions were made from a place of prejudice, rather than economic liberation. It would take a lot of confidence to ever consider something like that a necessary evil.

    The Sámi people are a nomadic ethnic group in Scandinavia and are another interesting case study. Historically brutalized and a subject of prejudice, they do retain some nomadic freedoms today, herding reindeer etc, even if many are settled today. One of my favorite unique laws in Sweden is that basically all land away from private property is public land, so you can set up a tent and hang out anywhere you want. However the govt has done cruel things in other ways, destroying important Sámi sites as recently as 2011.