Owner of PixelRefresh.com - #Gaming, #Gadgets & #Technology - Both Modern & #RetroGaming
Writing hundreds of articles, including commentary and reviews on various gaming platforms, whilst also interviewing well-known industry figures for popular online publications.
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@maculata that guy (me) is just having a bit of fun with a video thumbnail, bless you for noticing the quirky nature of it 👍
@chamaeleon thanks for sharing. It’s getting very expensive getting most things for the Acorn A series of machines unfortunately. RISC OS was so good though for the time.
Yep the graphics and music seemed very faithful to the Amiga version on the Acorn, great title. Loved playing it my A3010.
@omgitsaheadcrab I would imagine so 😇
@adduc aww the Pebble was amazing. I owned the original and what would be deemed as the colour version and loved them to bits. Such a shame it ended the way it did and the larger screen colour version never released.
@maculata absolutely! My hobby is retro tech 😉