Interesting stuff, thanks.
Interesting stuff, thanks.
I had no idea. That’s a excellent attention to detail.
This is the answer. Find your UUID with “blkid” and mount it in fstab with the ID.
It’s worth learning how. This problem is something everyone goes through (hopefully) once.
Overwatch 2 becomes Overwatch 1 again. Gosh, who saw that coming!? rolls eyes dramatically
Yeah, I love the backup features they’ve bought in. The ability to restore specific parts of Home Assistant is really great
Much appreciated. I’ll give it a go!
Sorry, Project what? Never heard of it…
That’s truly excellent news
Never heard of this before - sounds interesting. However, I just went to try it, and I’m immediately in a catch 22. I have no idea whether the service is any good without adding funds, and I’m not going to add any funds without knowing if its any good.
The Myst “behind the scenes” footage alone is great to see. Very worthy of preservation.
More power to them.
I love the sound of the feature, but I’m unsure why it would be 45 days of media only. Seems odd to me.
This is the best I could find :)
…and a price tag that screams “yeah, no…I’ll wait”
That was excruciating. Nice restore though.
Yep, Duplicacy to Backblaze B2 for me
“Would you like fires with that?”
Yeah, it threw me at first too, but its nonsense. I have about 20 Aqara sensors and switches without the Aqara hub. I use the Sonoff USB coordinator.
I always use this great resource to check compatibility:
Those are some very handsome looking Geese. I am a fan too.
mount | column -t -s " "
Ahhhh…sanity. Thanks lovely Internet lady
The more I use various LLMs, the more I’ve come to realise that they have a tendency to confidently lie. More often than not, it seems an LLM will give me the answer it thinks I want to hear, even if the details of it’s answer are factually incorrect.
Using these tools to decide and affect real peoples lives is a very dangerous prospect.
Interesting article. Thanks