As a person that admins Linux systems for work, I don’t want to fuck with it at home, period. Windows just works for Windows software which is all people want.
As a person that admins Linux systems for work, I don’t want to fuck with it at home, period. Windows just works for Windows software which is all people want.
Guess we’re just going to ignore those hideous bezels? Even the comparison shot with the Fold4 makes the Samsung look better.
Same and this is making me even happier to be drinking it.
Just adding a +1 for Boost’s formatting!
Downloaded and used for an hour or so. I’d like to see an option to change the font size. I like my stuff to be small so I can get more content on the screen. 1.6 posts is pretty bad for me. I also couldn’t find a way to change my default homepage to “subscribed - new” but maybe I just didn’t search hard enough. Either way, it’s good to have some competition for Jerboa!
Edit: Found Frontpage. Might be worth changing this to Subscribed since that seems to be the Lemmy equivalent.
For something a bit more modern, Fall Out Boy. From Under the Cork Tree was their last decent album imo and even that was a shift from Grand Theft Autumn. Hearing them now they sound like generic pop nothing to my ears. Such a shame.
don’t do this. Don’t feel shame about your hobbies in any capacity. anyone that would immediately judge you for your hobbies is not worth spending the time with and getting to know. sure, is a good idea to enjoy other stuff too but don’t hide parts of yourself that you think are important, especially if you’re not working to sacrifice them.
I just think of it like everything transitioning to USB-C. It’s not good or bad really, it just is. Standardization in these types of situations is usually good but I’m sure some people will be upset that Tesla is involved.
If it’s anything like what happens to me you’ll try to escape only to get murdered mercilessly. I just accept my fate and get it over with now.
When you’re a millionaire+ it’s certainly a lot easier to say “eh, guess I’ll just buy everything I ever want to watch outright.” This hardly seems like news imo.
Mixer actually had something imo, it’s a shame they sold it. MS had the $$ to spend.
That entire area is boned unless you live on 3rd or carpenter. Nonsense.
It actually looks like a logic puzzle with no solution lol
That would be extremely wasteful in a resource sense. You would need more overhead, more domains, more everything to support that.
Would you be able to DM me your config files (all of them) I cannot find a config file that makes sense to me and I’m trying to get a Lemmy instance up at my domain.