How’s that been working out?
Racists are generally sheltered, easily lead, uneducated, and guillible.
True racism isnt generally caused by people they know, its by being told that “they” are taking your jobs, stealing your welfare, clogging your hospitals, driving your living costs up, etc, etc.
Its a tool used by the powerful to divert attention. The easily lead take it at face value and hate “them”. If they meet a “reformed” person of colour, they see them as “one of the good ones”.
While these racists can be outwardly horrible to individuals, they typically dont “hate” the person. They hate “them”. The group that doesnt really exist, that they are told are making their own life worse.
A great example is in the Louis Theroux documentary, Louis and the Nazis. He spends time with various white supremacists, and while hanging out with one of the community leaders he meets his TV repair man, a Mexican man that has been servicing his televisions for years who the white supremacist leader considers a friend. One of the leaders side kicks is also fucking a Mexican woman.
The Mexicans that they know are “the good ones”. Its the rest of “them” that are the problem in their eyes.
Its an unfortunately common occurence in people that they can be presented with direct evidence contrary to their beliefs, but they are so far gone down their rabbit hole that they consider the evidence as either an outlier or anomoly and not somethign worth analysing in terms of their perception.
Portability means making sacrifices. I dont need 4k 200fps on a hand held on the bus, I just want to be able to jump in when ive got some down time and im not at my main machine.
Maybe im just getting old but I dont really give a shit if they get a 4% pay rise. Its under CPI and our pollies dont earn obscene amounts of money compared to the middle/top end of the private sector.
It sucks people here saying they will only get 1-2%, but thats the reason we have unions. If you think you are worth more, fight for it. If you dont get it, find another job that agrees with your self evaluation.
Im not saying that in a trolly way, I mean it. People arent going to jump out and just give you more money, you need to fight for it and that might mean jumping ship.
If you’ve found your way to the technology community on a federated lemmy instance, youre techy enough to take the blame for using chromium
Sure. But you cant pretend that its some super secret that only non corpos know about and be surprised when the tech who makes the inspection knows what to look for
Google riced mustang and you will see plenty.
I thought it was Racing Inspired Cosmetic Enhancement, that is putting shitty race decals and spoilers onto some piece of shit car. Its probably a reverse acronym though to fit the unital racist term.
Unlike calling an Asian car a rice burner, which is just straright perjorative.
Legacy software with incredible backwards compatibility, exponetially more software options, user familiarity, pretty much everything that active directory provides from user management to group policies, the list goes on.
Im a linux guy, but the thought of rolling out even the most user friendly linux distro gives me nightmares.
As an IT administrator, if your org has GPOs controlling if you can delete your browsing history or not, there is no chance you will be able to install a second browser without admin credentials.
I have no problems with teams. Not sure why everyone hates it. If youre already in an AD/Azure environment and use 365 I dont see why you wouldnt use it.
You can also find secondhand thinkbooks for very reasonable prices.
I havent bought a brand new laptop in over a decade now, dont think ill be starting any time soon either.
Nothing on lemmy is private. Your instance is just hosted on a server, and in this instance that server is essentially just someone elses computer. Anything you do or say on the server can be viewed by the admin and whoever they decide to delegate access to.
This is true for practically every online service ever.
Because teens “prefer” Apple, not necessarily use Apple?
Nah. Once people get a bit older and start paying for their own shit a lot of them quickly realise a mid range android does the same if not more than an Apple.
Still popular in Australia, at least in my demographic
Interesting way to look at it, but I still dont see where the force is acting on the object going through the portal. The object is not in motion and will stay in that state unless something acts upon it, so where is the energy coming from to act on the object?
You’re also on lemmy. You might be old, but you are also technically literate. Im not saying PM is bad, I used it myself for ages until I decided to set up my own domain for business reasons so moved to fastmail.
Its just for the type of oldies who use ISP provided mail dont like the change of leaving the ios default mail app to go to the protonmail app
What would you get out of reading it?
Its just some guys opinion, just because its published doesnt give it any sway.
If you have a deck and enjoy it, some other guy not enjoying doesnt really make a difference does it