They say they’ll use AI, so fuck them.
They say they’ll use AI, so fuck them.
My play plateform looks similar to yours. I only play a bit on my work computer during breaks which has Windows on it. But this will change next year, since I received my SteamDeck. I can totally forget about playing on Windows now!
Not everything needs to be digital FFS!!!
Tell me you are corrupted to the core, without telling me you are corrupted to the core.
Well, children will be as dumb as the Arizona State Board by the end of the year lol.
Lol, still too expensive for that garbage…
My most played game is hands down: Borderlands 2.
995h in it!
Does that works for Wayland or X? or both?
Quite nice feature indeed.
What is the point of building faster, if you don’t sell enough to begin with…
Smells like wasted investment/money/resources to me…
is my go to regarding logs exploration, can’t work without it.
Damn, that’s the song that made me starting to listen to more aggressive metal.
I still listen to that song from time to time, can’t get enough of it, so good!
At least, AI is polite and asks nicely.
Yep, that sound worth than Recall.
People are buying that shit?! LOLOLOLOL
Damn! That release note page is humongous! (not umongus ok!?) I didn’t touch Blender very much since 2.5 so I am quite out of the loop, but I am doing a bit more 3D recently, so I’ll give it try once it drops for my distro.
I think it’s another studio who did D2R, hence the top quality. Blizzard can’t pull that off anymore…
You don’t have to buy the last shinny thing every couple years. Too much consumption everywhere. Overconsuming is like cancer.
The fact that it is less and less unusual is the problem. All manufacturers are making crap, and people are still buying it… That makes no sense to me.
Don’t give hime ideas…
Having the choice is what matters right?
Letting your text editor write your code, not using version control… I don’t feel sad at all. Hope lesson was learned.