Yes, you’re correct: Poorer people spend most of not all of their available on income on everyday goods like groceries, clothes, etc…
Richer people spend (relatively speaking!) less of their available income on these items and save me
Yes, you’re correct: Poorer people spend most of not all of their available on income on everyday goods like groceries, clothes, etc…
Richer people spend (relatively speaking!) less of their available income on these items and save me
Yes, you’re correct: Poorer people spend most of not all of their available on income on everyday goods like groceries, clothes, etc…
Richer people spend (relatively speaking!) less of their available income on these items and save me
I had a friend who had that exact same reaction THC: A few puffs and extreme racing heart and panic attack. The worst reaction I had was bad vertigo kinda like the rollercoaster you have when you had too much to drink and lie down but without the extreme nausea… It’s so weird how differently people react to this drug…
Did you try qBitController?
Außerdem können durch krankheitsbedingte Ausfälle ja auch Mehrkosten entstehen , die über die Entgeltfortzahlung hinaus gehen: Der Kirchliche Tarifvertrag der Diakonie (KTD), in dem ich unterwegs bin, sieht beispielsweise Einspringboni und -zuschläge vor, die sicher nicht erstattet werden.
Von daher kann ich schon nachvollziehen, dass die Arbeitgeber ächzen (tut meiner auch), aber die Antwort kann natürlich nicht sein, die Arbeitnehmer zu drangsaliert, sondern muss sein, für mehr Gesundheit zu sorgen…
my lack of fucks about der, die, das, dem etc made it very obvious I wasn’t a native speaker.
I employ many non native speakers and most of them struggle with their articles and are very self conscious about them. They often consider themselves bad speakers because of this and I fear they sometimes talk less because they don’t have the courage to make grammar mistakes.
I always tell them that I don’t give a fuck about articles. Most of the time they don’t convey any meaning. You can skip them or use a generic “de” to fake any article. For me as an employer it’s more important that you practice talking, get a good vocabulary and have your times (especially Präsens, Perfekt, Futur) straight.🤷
Who calls rugby “football”? That’s the first time I hear about that.
What do you think it is? For me it looks kinda like a common blackbird, but as das as I know they don’t exist in Illinois, USA?
Earlier this year I built something similar, although with more space for hard drives:
I used the following components:
Mainboard | Topton N100 (AliExpress) This is actually a BKHD 1264 NAS | 136,69 € |
RAM | 16 GB Crucial DDR5-4800 (Mindfactory) | 40,78 € |
Case | Jonsbo N2 (???) | 138,83 € |
PSU | 300 W bequiet SFX Power 3 (Mindfactory) | 50,39 € |
M.2 system drives | 2 X 128 GB Patriot P.300 (Mindfactory) | 25,78 € |
392,47 € |
For storage I bought used 4 TB drives from ebay for around 40 € each.
Now the system is running 5 x 4 TB in RAID 6 as well as a 256 SATA SSD I had laying around as cache.
The system is using 25 Watts in idle with those 5 HDDs, 1 SATA SSD and 2 M.2 SSDs.
It’s a bit more you’ve been asking for but this option would offer you more expandability down there road.
You’re correct but you apparently don’t know how exhausting it can be to listen to kids talking from the second they wake up until the very moment they fall asleep.
I am very bad at filtering input (especially sound and touch) and sadly the Christmas days, when daycare was closed, were complete torture for me.
Are you sure? The EU parliament explicitly mentions USB C as the new mandatory standard.
How does Dear Esther work for you as a go to title? I played it years ago and was under the impression that the game was beaten in a few hours with no replay value whatsoever.
What did I miss?
Sorry to disappoint you. My comment was kinda tongue in cheek (clearly a watermark on writing paper doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things) but I honestly didn’t think that the watermark could be in the image and not on the paper. Also I didn’t know this was an Ukrainian watermark.
Wow what a facepalm moment… I honestly thought the watermark was on the paper and I obviously couldn’t identify the Ukrainian special forces logo.
Wow oops… Thanks for educating me. I honestly didn’t know.
You can say what you want about the North Korean forces but that is a badass watermark on that writing paper.
Uu an s. O
It’s not even the AfD. Most of the politic parties don’t or at least didn’t want to touch wealth tax.
Come to Germany. We had a wealth tax until 1996 and whenever it’s revival is publicly discussed you can see that the majority is against it even when the majority of our people would never have to pay it and would profit from it. It’s mind boggling that the people are still willing to defend our current “don’t tax the rich” policy…
Ich würde Dir ja gerne zustimmen, aber ich glaube Dank Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie kann man das in der Realität nicht.
Du merkst es doch auch bei allen anderen Parteien: Es gibt 1000 wichtige Themen, aber alle Welt arbeitet sich an der Migrationspolitik ab.